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We made our way silently to an area just past the castle, close to where Mack had hidden his car earlier in the day. We wanted to be on the opposite side to the boys so that they could hopefully sneak in from behind while we caused a distraction. Then we’d flee in opposite directions and meet up afterwards at Mack’s place. Mack assured us that we wouldn’t be caught, but if we were, we had Creed as our last resort.

“Group one is in position.” Lena’s voice sounded quietly in my ear. Each group had an earpiece so we could stay in communication and make sure we timed everything correctly.

“Group two is in position,” I whispered into the tiny mic that was pinned to my jacket.

“Group two, are you ready?”

“Hang on.” I pulled the first item from my bag, placing it down on the cold ground, watching as Kinslee and Mack did the same. We continued until everything was in place, and I reached into my pocket, grasping the small metal object and lifting it out. “Ready.”

I flicked on the lighter I held in my palm and held it to the bottom of the small bundle of fireworks, all connected by one long fuse.

The end caught instantly, the spark licking straight up the fuse, and Mack pulled me back, out of the way. We turned and ran into the shadows of the trees that outlined the area, hearing the bangs and pops as the fireworks caught alight.

Wow. The sky lit up in a haze of colourful sparks, illuminating the whole area clearly. I saw the guard rushing over from the other side of the courtyard, and we retreated further into the trees, hoping that our distraction technique would buy the boys enough time to get Allan and Joseph out of there. My heart was beating wildly, and my palms were damp. Anything could go wrong. Anything. I just had to hope and pray that they could do it.

“Hyde acquired.” Lena’s voice in my ear, only a couple of minutes later, sent a shock of relief through me.

“They have Joseph,” I whispered, glancing over at Mack and Kinslee. I could only just about make out their eyes thanks to the balaclavas they wore and the fact we were in the shadows, but the relief was clear in both.

We waited, and waited. Nothing else.

“Lena?” I spoke into my mic. “What’s happening?”

Her voice came through the earpiece a moment later, anxiety bleeding through her tone. “I don’t know, I can’t get hold of them.”

My stomach flipped, and I relayed the message to the others, my voice shaking.

“Fuck. Something’s not right. I’m gonna check it out. Kins, you go to the car. Get in, keys in the ignition ready to go.” Mack handed her his car keys, and she nodded, already moving towards the car’s hiding place.

“Winter, you ready to buy us a little time?”

I nodded, too worried to speak, but knowing that our distractions could be the difference between the mission working out and failure.

“Rich boy will murder me with his bare hands if I let anything happen to you, so if shit goes down, get the fuck out of here, alright?”

I nodded again, already feeling in the bottom of my bag for the other items we’d added as a last resort. The whole thing took place in the space of a minute or so, but time seemed to slow down as Mack and I quickly put together our makeshift petrol bombs and moved towards the castle. To get closer we had to go across open ground, but we were in the dark, and I was hoping with everything I had that this would be enough.

Mack stopped me with a hand on my arm, still a safe distance from the castle. The sounds of shouts could be heard from the courtyard, but all I noticed was the loudness of my heartbeat in my ears. Mack moved his head right next to mine, his voice barely discernible. “Stay. Count to thirty, light your baby up, then run. Don

’t stop. Don’t look back. I’ll be right behind you.” Then he was gone, and I slowed my breathing, so fucking scared to be left alone in the dark but prepared to do whatever it took. My thumb was poised on my lighter ready to go, and I counted down in my head.


I lit the end of the alcohol-soaked rag, and threw the bottle with all my might, sending it soaring towards the castle.

Everything happened in slow motion.

There was a loud boom as the Molotov cocktail exploded, followed half a second later by another boom. Shouts of rage carried through the air towards me, and I saw a shadow detach itself from the crumbling castle wall.


Another guard we’d missed.

He was looking straight at me.

I turned, and ran.

Faster than I’d ever run before, my lungs burning, I raced blindly towards the safety of the trees.

Tags: Becca Steele The Four Romance