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Lena had been a surprise during our week of training. She’d told me that ever since an “incident” when she was younger, she’d been training in martial arts, learning various disciplines, and it showed. She was extremely intelligent, another thing I’

d come to realise the more time I spent with her, with an aptitude for numbers that I envied. According to her, the key to becoming skilled in a discipline was to train your mind to keep it sharp, and she had me doing focusing exercises and all sorts of random brain training that made my head spin.

Anyway, we were ready and prepared. Our basic plan was simple and straightforward, but it was actually carrying it out that would be the problem. We’d agreed that Allan and Joseph were the weakest links, and therefore we needed to isolate them, preferably without drawing any attention to ourselves, and get them away so we could question them. We were running out of time—the Alstone Holdings deal was almost complete, the board due to sign it off the following day, and we needed answers.

Of course, the plan hinged on both of them actually attending this meeting, but we’d agreed that the chances were high. Arlo was at Alstone Members Club for the evening, so it would be easy enough for Allan to attend without arousing suspicion.

I sat in the back of the van, which from the outside looked like an ordinary, nondescript van. Inside, though, it was incredible. Like something out of a movie, complete with surveillance stuff and all sorts of gadgets I had no clue how to use. The boys and Lena had spent twenty minutes drooling over it, and I couldn’t help smiling at their enthusiasm.

As per the email we’d intercepted, the meetup was at Alstone Castle. Why there, I had no idea. Maybe because it was generally deserted at night, and out in the open. Glancing through the open hatch to the front windscreen, I saw we were turning onto the familiar road, and nerves overtook me. My leg bounced restlessly, and I attempted to breathe deeply in and out to calm myself.

The plan had to work.

It had to.

I was so thankful that Creed had come through for us. He’d stayed away from being personally involved, but he’d provided us with the goods. We had Mack, and this van, and thanks to Mack, a place to take Allan and Joseph to question them. Obie, one of Creed’s other guys, was also with us. He sat in front of the screens, monitoring surveillance. When I’d first seen him as I’d entered the van—a huge, hulking guy, all massive defined muscles, dark, intense eyes, and close-cropped black hair—I’d been completely intimidated. That disappeared the second introductions were made and he threw me a wide, genuine smile, completely disarming me.

We’d agreed that me, Mack, and Kinslee would cause a distraction. While they were doing that, Caiden, Zayde, Weston, and Cassius would sneak around and get Allan and Joseph. James was the getaway driver—it was too risky for him to be there in case Joseph saw his face. As it was, he was currently wearing a balaclava.

Lena had to stay in the van, since Cassius had put his foot down, so she was helping Obie monitor the screens, and had a direct link to the tiny mics that Cassius and I had pinned on our clothing. She’d be our primary source of communication once we were outside.

I’d wanted to be part of getting Allan and Joseph, but the boys point-blank refused to let me have anything to do with it. I could sense Lena’s frustration, too. She wanted to be out there with us, although she seemed slightly pacified by all the equipment she was getting to use.

My gaze fell to the bag that rested at my feet, and my lips curved into a smile. Despite not being part of the extraction, between us, we had a good bag of tricks to play with.

The van slowed. “Almost there.” James’ voice came through the hatch.

“Come here, baby.” Cade pulled me into him for a kiss. I could feel his heart racing, and the worry in his eyes shook me. He gripped my face, stroking his thumb over my jaw. “Don’t get into trouble. I couldn’t fucking handle it if anything happened to you. Stay safe. If it all goes wrong, get out of there.”

My stomach flipped. “I promise I’ll stay as safe as I can.” I hope. “I want you to stay safe, too. Please don’t take any unnecessary risks.” I kissed him again, putting everything I had into it. Around us, the others talked in low voices, giving us a semblance of privacy as I enjoyed the last moments wrapped in the arms of the man I loved.

The van came to a stop, and Caiden reluctantly released me. “I love you.” He picked up the balaclava from the seat next to me and pulled it over my head, rolling it down until it covered my face. We both slid our gloves on, covered from head to toe, other than our eyes.

“I love you, Cade.” My voice was muffled by the material of the balaclava. I squeezed his hand, then reached down to pick up my bag as the van doors swung open.



Time for part one of the plan. Weston turned on the drone and, using the controls, sent it up into the air, hovering above us. The feed appeared on the screen in front of us, and we could see the dim outline of the van on the monitor.

“You sure you know what you’re doing?” Weston reluctantly handed the controls over to Obie. He rolled his eyes.

“Mate, this ain’t my first job. I’ve got this handled.” He expertly sent the drone soaring towards the castle. We watched silently as the large courtyard came into view. A large fire had been lit in the pit in the centre, and grouped around it were shadowy figures. We counted six as the drone hovered undetected. I assumed that Christine, Joseph, and Allan were part of the group, and from the email West had intercepted, it was likely that one of the others was Joseph’s dad. The remaining two I wasn’t sure about, although I was betting that Petr was one of them.

They didn’t appear to be moving around much. Most of them were seated on the large rocks that were used as makeshift seats. That made our job easier.

The drone soared higher, and I noticed a shadow detach itself from the wall at the edge of the courtyard. “Look,” I breathed, pointing at the screen.

“Yeah. That’ll be a lookout. I’m betting they’re not expecting any trouble, so it’s likely that he’s the only one,” James said, having climbed into the back of the van with us so he could see the screen. “Let’s hope so, anyway.”

The drone did one more circuit of the area, and once we were satisfied that we knew where everyone was and there was nothing we’d missed, Obie sent it back to the van. “I’ll send it up again when you’re out, keep an eye on you,” he told us. “Better go now.”

We climbed out of the van and split into two groups. The combination of excitement and nerves was almost unbearable as I watched the Four slink away, silent shadows in the night, ready to carry out their part of the plan.

Once they’d disappeared from our view, I turned to Mack and Kinslee. “Ready to wreak havoc?”

“Fuck, yeah. Let’s light it up.” Mack grinned, before he tugged his balaclava down and picked up his own bag.

Tags: Becca Steele The Four Romance