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He was right. We all needed time to process this information, and for now, the best thing to do was to attempt to salvage the rest of the evening. “Come on. Let’s enjoy the rest of the party and pretend that we’re normal students, having a perfectly normal time with our friends.”

“Oh, baby, there’s nothing normal about you.” He grabbed me around my waist, dipping his head to kiss up my neck, walking us towards the door to the kitchen as he continued to rain kisses all over me.

“Z, you coming?” I managed to ask, breathless and smiling widely.

“In a minute.” He stayed seated, staring at nothing.

Caiden glanced back at him, stopping in the doorway. “Go and have fun. I’m gonna keep Z company for a bit.”

I nodded, and he gave me one last kiss before giving me a gentle push into the house and closing the door behind me.

“Everything okay?” Cassius was at the kitchen island, a pretty blonde tucked under his arm, watching me carefully.

“Yeah.” I smiled at him. Now was not the time to discuss what we’d found out. “I’m ready to enjoy this party.”

He gave me a long, searching look, before nodding. He grinned, raising his cup of whatever he was drinking in a salute. “That’s my girl. Have you played roulette yet?”

I shook my head, and he tutted disapprovingly. “Let’s go.” Dropping his arm to the blonde girl’s waist, he pulled her around to where I was standing. She giggled, reaching up to kiss his cheek, and he grinned. Stretching out his free hand towards me, he passed me his drink. “Hold this, will ya?” I took it from him, and he slid his arm around my waist. “There. Now everyone else will be jealous when they see us. Two of the hottest women at the party, with me.”

“Sure they will.” I laughed, rolling my eyes playfully. Right now, I needed to put aside James’ revelations, to allow my brain time to process everything. Cassius had read me perfectly, and he was ready to take advantage of the fact that all I wanted at this moment was to enjoy the rest of this party. Simple, uncomplicated fun, forgetting about my worries for the rest of the evening at least.

“Stick with me, and you’ll have a great time.” Leaning down, he spoke in my ear, his voice too low to be overheard by anyone else. “If you want to stop, or go, or talk, or whatever, just say the word.”

“Thanks, Cass.” I gave him another smile. “Right now, all I want is to enjoy this party.”

“Say no more.” He walked us over to the roulette table. I eyed it with interest, excitement building within me. The music swirled around us, and everywhere I looked I could see people enjoying themselves. This was going to be fun.

“Fuck! The piñata!” Cassius suddenly shouted.

“Later. Roulette first,” I insisted, and he grinned down at me.

“Whatever my lady desires.”

“You’re so weird.”

“You love me.”

“Doesn’t stop you being weird though, does it?” I jabbed him in the ribs, tickling him, and he screeched, making the girl under his other arm double over laughing.

“Stop that right now!”



The last few days had been quiet. We were still trying to process everything, and as it stood, we had no more answers. I was waiting to hear from James, but so far he’d been silent, other than a quick text to say he was going to attempt to contact Joseph.

Monday morning, lugging my ridiculously heavy backpack, I climbed into Caiden’s car, ready to drive to university for our first day back after the Christmas break.

As we started the drive, I glanced over at Caiden and noticed the tight set of his jaw, and the way he was gripping the steering wheel.

The soft whoosh of the wipers on the windscreen did nothing to break the unbearable silence, and eventually, I had to say something. “Cade? What’s the matter?”


“Hyde? What about him?”

“I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to control myself when I see him.”

Tags: Becca Steele The Four Romance