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“You need to be more careful, Winter. Seeing you out of it, with those bruises all over your face—that really scared me.”

“That’s what I keep telling her,” Caiden agreed, his voice low and disapproving.

“Ugh,” I huffed. “Yes, I was irresponsible and all that, but that’s in the past now. We need to concentrate on what’s going to happen next.” I took a deep breath. “Do you know if Joseph Hyde or his family are working with my mother?”

“Your mother?” He stared at me, taken aback. “What’s she got to do with it?”

“I have reason to believe…actually, no, I have evidence, that she had something to do with my father’s death.”



“Yeah, and when Joseph attacked me, he mentioned something about how I’d fucked things up for a lot of people, and how his life was getting back to normal until Cade showed an interest in me. Originally, I thought it was all a coincidence, but now? I don’t think it is.”

He sighed, pinching his brow. “Fuck. This is a lot to take in.”

“Any information at all, no matter how small, could help us. Nothing you tell us will get back to the Hydes, I promise you.”

“Remember what I told you at the ball? That sometimes we have to do things for family reasons? That—that kiss,” he began, and Caiden growled next to me, his arms tightening around me. James looked startled, his eyes darting to my boyfriend’s face. He swallowed hard, noticing Caiden’s murderous gaze.

“Cade, please,” I murmured softly.

“The kiss,” James began again. “Joseph refused to give me details, but he was paid to do that. The idea was to break you and Caiden up. I guess you may as well know the rest. I didn’t want to go along with it, but he can be persuasive when he wants to be.”

“Paid? By who? And what do you mean by persuasive?”

He groaned. “The black eye I had when I kissed you was courtesy of him. He’s got a mean right hook.”

“Yeah, that’s true.” I stared at Zayde in surprise. What had gone down between him and Joseph? I couldn’t help feeling like there was some history there that I wasn’t aware of.

James narrowed his eyes but shrugged it off. “As for who he was paid by, I don’t know. But he’s been very secretive lately. You know how we have the rivalry. He’s been talking about ‘finally getting what he deserves’ and…” He trailed off, looking apologetically at Caiden. “He’s been saying about how you guys are going to get what’s coming to you.”

“I’m going to fucking end him.” Caiden’s voice sliced through the sudden tension.

“Don’t shoot the messenger.”

“He won’t,” I assured him. “I trust you. Maybe I shouldn’t,” I admitted. “Since we’re on separate sides of this situation. But fuck it, I do.”

“I don’t.” Caiden’s voice was hard, and I groaned.

“I wouldn’t expect you to,” James said quietly.

“But my girl trusts you, so I’m willing to put that aside, for now. If you know anything that can help us,” he added begrudgingly.

A smile curved across my lips, and I squeezed his forearm lightly.

There was silence for a while, before James stood. “Thank you. I’ll see if I can find out any information from my family, any proof that they’re involved with this. Unless there’s anything else you want to discuss?” He shuffled his feet, looking like he was ready to make a break for it. I didn’t blame him.

I moved Caiden’s hands off me and got to my feet. “Thanks,” I murmured to James, pulling him into a hug.

He smiled when I released him. “You’re welcome. Stay safe.” He inclined his head briefly towards Caiden and Zayde, and then he was gone.

“Did you have to hug him?” Caiden scowled at me, and I rolled my eyes.

“Yes, I did.” I pulled him to his feet. “What a night, huh? I feel totally blindsided by James, and I won’t lie, I feel a bit hurt that Lena kept this from me.”

He gripped my face, caressing my cheek. “Same for me. I need time to process all this shit.” Lightly brushing his lips against mine, he released his grip on my face. “Fucking Granville,” he muttered under his breath, his tone full of disbelief.

Tags: Becca Steele The Four Romance