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“Ori, wait.” The words jumped out of Elle’s mouth unbidden.

“Wait?” She looked like a bird trapped in a cage, begging to be freed from the situation. “I really should go.”

Lane gave Elle a what-the-hell look, but some of the blood had rushed back into her brain, kicking it into gear. “Yes. Shut the door for a minute. Please.”

Oriana sent Lane an S.O.S. look, but when he didn’t jump in to help, she reluctantly shut the door. She gripped her elbows. “Dr. McCray, I—”

Elle held up a palm. “Ori, please. You don’t have to apologize. It’s my fault I forgot to put the sign up on my door. But I need you to understand what you saw.”

She winced and glanced away. “I can figure it out. I really don’t need—”

“I’m considering seeing Mr. Cannon for…therapy.”

Lane’s attention snapped to her, shock in his eyes. Shock and…hurt.

Elle cleared her throat, pushing through the pang of guilt that sent through her. She could not have her co-workers think she was dating Lane. She wasn’t dating Lane. And that rumor would spread like wildfire. She couldn’t handle that kind of attention. The whispers. The jokes. The raised eyebrows when she referred patients to Lane.

Making it a therapy thing insured the rumor would stop here. Confidentiality was law at this place. “It’s a very private matter and we were just seeing if there was enough…compatibility to proceed with sessions.” She fought not to cringe at the words. “I’m sure you understand that this is very confidential.”

Ori’s lips rolled inward and she nodded. “Of course, Dr. McCray. I would never say anything to anyone. Therapy or otherwise.”

Ori was giving her the opportunity to come clean, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Elle nodded, her gut telling her she could trust Ori when she said she wouldn’t say anything. She had always been a consummate professional. But Elle couldn’t let go of the lie. “Thank you. I appreciate your professionalism. Now, was there something you needed?”

Ori straightened and glanced between the two of them. “Nothing that can’t wait. I’ll go over it with you after rounds.”


Ori took that as her cue, gave them both one more darting look, and then she hurried out the door, shutting it behind her. Elle heard her In Session sign being slipped into place.

Elle let out a defeated breath and turned to Lane, feeling the weight of his stare on her. “I’m sorry.”

His jaw flexed and the warmth he’d had in his eyes earlier was gone, flint replacing it. “What? You’re sorry that you’re so embarrassed by me that you’d rather tell someone you had sexual problems than admit we’re seeing each other? Is that what you’re sorry about?”

Her stomach hollowed out. “Lane. It’s not that, it’s—”

“Whatever,” he grated out. “I can’t deal with this right now. I have a client arriving any minute. Your time renting me for the afternoon is done. Someone else requires my services.”

The way he said services and renting sent terrible images through her mind. Was he off to kiss someone else? To put his hands on her? Make her feel good?

She’d known that all along but had managed to compartmentalize it since they’d made their agreement. But now he was throwing it in her face because, why shouldn’t he? She’d just denied him like he was some disease. She’d hurt him.

And that hurt her. More than she expected.

“Please don’t walk out like this. We should—”

“Later, Elle. You don’t want to talk to me right now. It won’t end well for you.” He strode past her, his gait calm but his quiet fury palpable. The door shut with barely a click.

She almost wished he’d slammed it.

It’d be easier to be mad, but the feeling wouldn’t come.

Instead, she sank into her chair, her chest burning and hot tears jumping to her eyes. Tears of frustration. Of shame. Confusion.

Why couldn’t she have just told Ori the truth? Elle and Lane hadn’t been breaking any rules. They’d been in a private office. Oriana wouldn’t have betrayed their confidence.

But no, Elle had to screw it up. Do the most hurtful thing possible and deny Lane. Embarrass him. Push him away like she did everyone else.

She stared down at the sparkling ring on her finger, a ring so perfect she couldn’t have picked out a better one herself, and tears slipped down her cheeks.

Tags: Roni Loren Pleasure Principle Erotic