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"If she was in crow form, there wouldn't be."

"The gantry was covered in dust and grime, so there should have at least been claw prints. All we found was feather imprints."

"Meaning she had no legs?"

"Or her legs were useless and just hung lifeless. Any scuff marks they might have left were erased by her belly feathers."

So we were looking for a paralyzed shifter? That was rare, because shape shifting actually healed most wounds. "Maybe she's simply a lazy crow."

"Could be." He shrugged. "If the fingerprint doesn't bring anything up, you could do a search through police records and see if there's any more reports of grave vandalism. Whoever is behind this is using the freshly dead-or at least so far. They're easier to reanimate than older bodies. Their flesh still remembers life."

"Muscles don't have memories."

He gave me a wry look. "Of course they do. That's why astronauts have to spend so much time in rehabilitation after long space flights. Their muscles forget what it's like to walk under atmosphere."

"But the space stations don't have that sort of problem."

"The space stations are pressurized to earth standards. Or near enough that it doesn't matter." He paused. "Doesn't your vampire own a few of those?"

I blinked. "I don't know."

"A woman who hasn't investigated a potential partner's wealth? You're not only a rare werewolf, but a rare woman."

The words surprised me, as did the bitter edge in his voice. "Wow. Someone really has done you over in the past, hasn't he?"

He looked away. "Let's just say I learned some valuable lessons when I was young."

"You were young?" I said in mock surprise. "And here I was thinking you were always old and wrinkly."

"I prefer the term weather-worn," he said, the humor reappearing in his eyes. "And now, if you have no more questions, I have an investigation to get back to."

"Let me know if you find anything."

"I always do."

I headed back to the car. Once there, I rang Sal. "Have Mel and her team come back with the reports on Garrison's murder?"

"The initial report is in. It was definitely a robbery. Garrison apparently kept a collection of precious coins and jewels in his safe, and they're gone."

And it would be easy enough to get rid of them on the black market. Which is probably why they went for the smaller items. "Have we a list of items stolen from Armel's safe?"

"It basically the same deal. Rare coins, precious gems." Her voice broke for a moment. "He used to show them to me. He was very proud of his collection."

I frowned. "Did he make a habit of showing everyone his collection?"

"No, just his lovers."

And the man apparently had more than a few lovers. "Do you know if Garrison enjoyed showing off his collection?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"Because maybe that's the connection. Maybe they share a lover who has more than a little vampire loving on his mind."

"Armel was very eclectic in his tastes-"

"Meaning he had both male and female lovers."

She hesitated. "Yes, but I don't believe he and Garrison would have shared any lovers."

Tags: Keri Arthur Riley Jenson Guardian Fantasy