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"Why not?"

"Because Garrison liked it very rough, while Armel was a gentle and considerate lover."

"That doesn't mean they couldn't have shared a lover. It is possible to enjoy both ends of the spectrum."

"Yes, but vampires do not share lightly. We tend to be very territorial."

Which was something I was all too aware of. "And yet you shared Armel with others."

"We're vampires. We cannot live on each other's blood, so other lovers were a necessity, not an option."

I hesitated, then asked, "Then you really did love him."

"I really did," she said simply.

"So why do you lust after Jack?" Or was it simply a matter of me misreading what she considered a bit of playful teasing? It certainly wouldn't be the first time I'd gotten the wrong end of a situation.

"There is a difference between lusting and doing, Riley. Not that a werewolf would know that."

The bitch was back, I thought with a grin. "I will get whoever did this."

"I know." She sniffed. "Cole sent me through a fingerprint and we found a match. You want the address?"

"Patch it through to my onboard."

"Sending it now."

"Thanks." I paused again. "Would you be able to get me a complete list of both Garrison's and Armel's lovers? I think it might be worth cross-checking, just to be sure there is no connection."

"I'll see what I can do," she said, and hung up.

I blew out a breath. Sal and I might never be great friends, but that didn't stop me from feeling sorry for her. I knew what it was like to lose someone-even if my someone had walked away rather than be murdered-and I wouldn't have wished that sort of pain on anyone. I wondered if she had anyone to talk to or lean on. Certainly having Rhoan and Liander there had helped me through the worst of it.

The onboard beeped as a message came through and I touched the screen, bringing it to life. It was the zombie's last listed home address and, naturally, he lived in the opposite direction from where I currently was. I transferred the North Coburg address into the nav computer, then started the engine and drove off.

It took half an hour to get across to Coburg, and I wasted another ten minutes trying to find parking in a street already crowded with cars.

As I walked back to the house, I saw an all-too-familiar silver car cruise past, obviously looking for parking just like I'd been.

I snorted softly and shook my head.

I should have known I wasn't going to get rid of Kye that easily.

Chapter Five

"So, are you going to arrest my butt, just like you said?" he said, walking toward me with a dare-you smile that played havoc with my pulse rate.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't." I crossed my arms and tried to ignore the fact that he looked positively edible. Faded jeans, white shirt, and a black sports jacket gave him a classy yet casual appearance, and showed off both his broad shoulders and his long, strong legs to perfection.

He stopped several feet away, but it was close enough for his scent to fog my senses.

His nostrils flared, and the spark that brightened his golden eyes suggested I wasn't the only one having trouble with my hormones. Only he seemed to be having a damn easier time controlling them.

He glanced up at the house. "The parents are werewolves, and they may not be too pleased with you coming to take away their son for a second time."

"I'm well aware of those facts. The Directorate doesn't send people in blind." Well, not often, anyway.

He smiled. It was a nice smile, one that crinkled the corners of his eyes and lent a warmth to his otherwise controlled expression. "And yet here you are, alone, about to face two wolf parents and God knows who else."

Tags: Keri Arthur Riley Jenson Guardian Fantasy