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“You didn’t.” He ran a thumb over her lower lip. “I like that you give a shit.”

He kissed her, and it was hot and hard and made her whimper slightly when it ended. She wanted more. She wriggled against him, growing still as he groaned.

“Did I hurt you?”

His cock felt hard and hot, pressed against her soft stomach.

“Nope. Or at least it’s a good sort of hurt.” He rubbed his hand down her back. “How are you feeling this morning?”

“Good.” She realized it was true. She ached a little and she wasn’t certain she’d be comfortable sitting for any length of time today. But, overall, she felt good. No—better than good, she’d woken up in his arms, so she felt great.

Reaching down he lightly squeezed her buttocks, and she hissed. Okay, maybe things down there were a bit sorer than she’d first thought.

He raised one eyebrow. “Still a little tender? It was a hard punishment for you.”

“For me? Not for others?”

He grinned. “Darlin’, we both know you don’t have much of a tolerance for pain. Some of the subs at the club would have seen that as a warm-up.”

Seriously? Well, she did kind of know that, she’d been to Club Decadence enough times now to see how far some of the scenes went. But a warm-up?

He rubbed her buttocks firmly with his hands. It was uncomfortable, and she squirmed against him.

“Stay still,” he ordered in a soft voice.

She forced herself to stay still as he continued to rub her skin. Eventually the discomfort started to grow into something warmer, and instead of wanting to get away, she found herself trying to press closer, her clit throbbing as his fingers moved closer to the lips of her pussy. She widened her legs and he chuckled.

“Does someone want me to touch her pussy?”

She buried her face in his chest. Yes, God, yes. She nodded her head.

“You’re going to have to ask.”

She groaned. Why did he do these things to her?

He lightly slapped her ass, and she jolted. She guessed he was getting impatient.

“I cannot believe that after what we did last night, after coming in front of a room filled with people, you cannot ask me to touch your pussy.”

Yeah, she was just filled with contradictions.

She could hear his heart racing beneath her ear, feel the way his firm cock pressed against her, and his strong body beneath hers.

“You deserve a bit of a reward after last night. You took your punishment so well. But you’re only getting that reward if you ask for it.”

That really didn’t seem fair. She’d already earned her reward, why should she have to ask for it?

He drew the cheeks of her buttocks apart, stretching her. She gasped and stiffened slightly as he pressed his thumb against her hole. He wouldn’t. He pressed the tip of his thumb inside her. It burned slightly, and she hissed.

“One day soon, I’m taking you here. You handled that plug last night beautifully. Maybe I need to plug you each night.”

But to do that I’d have to stay over each night.

“You’d need to Skype me, so I could watch you as you pushed the plug deep inside you,” he said.

Disappointment filled her before she quickly tamped it down. It was too soon for that anyway.

“There’s no way that’s happening,” she told him.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic