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“I like the idea.”

She leaned up to glare down at him. “I don’t.”

“But do you get a say? It’s not a hard limit. Do you feel like you need to use your safe word?”

No. She stared at him stubbornly. He laughed and pulled her lip free from her teeth; she hadn’t even realized she’d been nibbling at it. “Don’t worry, darlin’. I won’t make you do that this week. But soon . . .”

And on that note, he drew her down and kissed her, cupping her breast with his free hand, lightly pinching at her nipple. He pulled her up, holding her so her breasts dangled over his mouth. He licked and nibbled at one tight nub until the throbbing in her clit reached a crescendo. Then he reached for her other nipple. She leaned her hands on his shoulders as he played with her to his heart’s content. By the time he finished, her breath was coming in harsh pants, the need to come so intense she knew she was very nearly there.

“Ask me,” he demanded.

God, he wasn’t going to let this go. Sloan was nothing if not stubborn. And he always got his way—with her anyway. But she wasn’t protesting anymore. She wanted him to touch her. The need so great, she could barely think of anything else.

“Touch my pussy, Sloan. Make me come. Please.”

Swiftly, he rolled her to her back then knelt between her legs, holding them up in the air. She gasped, a little shocked at how quickly he’d moved.

He smiled down at her. “Why, darlin’, I thought you’d never ask.” He leaned in and dragged his tongue in a long lick on her lips, flicking at her clit once he reached it. Just lightly. But she still groaned, her passage clenching down.

She was so close.

“Please, Sloan,” she begged. “Don’t tease.”

“I wish I could. But I find my control is shot.”

He drove his tongue deep inside her, making her cry out in shock and desire. He pulled it out then plunged back in. He used his thumb to play with her clit, rubbing it back and forth.

So close. Nearly there.

Her whole body tig

htened. She was going to come.

He drew away, and she let out a cry of anger.

He chuckled. “No coming until I’m inside you.”

“Then get inside me,” she snapped.

He raised one eyebrow, and she knew she’d gone too far. While they weren’t properly playing, like at the club, Sloan was definitely in charge right now.

“Sorry, Sir,” she said contritely, hoping the sir would help.

“Hands and knees,” he ordered.

“Are you going to spank me?” She was near tears. She’d messed up. Shoot. Her and her big mouth. She moved to her hands and knees, her head drooping forward.

“Hey.” He pulled back the curtain of hair covering her face and gently grasped her chin, turning her to face him. “What’s wrong?”

“I messed up, and now you’re going to spank me,” she wailed.

He kissed her hard. “Silly woman. I’m not spanking you, and you didn’t mess up. But you need to remember who’s in charge.” There was a wicked glint in his eyes, and she watched as he turned and reached over into his bedside drawer. He called it the fun drawer. She called it the drawer-of-torture-that-she-one-day-intended-to-empty-and-burn.

She groaned when he saw what he took out. “Another butt plug?” This one was smaller at least. Slimmer.

“It’s a little different.” She realized he had something else in his hand. A small remote. The plug buzzed.

Oh crap.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic