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“Did I tell you how much I like this dress?” he asked, running his finger over her shoulder. The little black dress hugged her in all the right places and even plunged down enough to give him a view of what he knew were a pair of magnificent breasts.

Although he would have preferred her in something bright. He didn’t like the idea of her trying to fade into the background or hiding her curves thinking that she needed to slim herself down or something equally as stupid.

She was perfect just as she was.

The waitress brought over two huge burgers accompanied by fries and salad. Tilly’s eyes widened.

“Wow, that could feed a family of four,” she said. “How do you even eat it?”

He chuckled and grabbed it with both hands. “Like this.” Dylan took a huge bite.

Tilly smiled and reaching over with a napkin, wiped some sauce off his chin.

“Thanks,” he murmured after he’d swallowed his mouthful.

“You’re welcome,” she said shyly.

They ate in silence until Tilly sat back with a groan.

“I’m so full.” She’d barely made a dent in the burger. “I feel so bad that I can’t eat more. You were right, though. It was delicious.”

After the waitress had taken her leftovers away to bag them up, Dylan slid closer to her. The music cranked up a little as the lights dimmed.

“Want to dance?” he asked.

“I don’t dance very well.”

“That’s okay. Just follow my lead.” He stood and held out his hand to her, waiting patiently. “Trust me, Tilly. I’ll take care of you.”

Finding himself ridiculously nervous, he sighed with relief as she took his hand. He didn’t want to scare her off by moving too fast. At the same time, he didn’t intend for them to just be friends or any such bullshit.

Despite the awkward beginning to their night, he still knew what he wanted. Tilly. In his bed. In his life.

Once they were on the dance floor, he pulled her in close. As he swayed to the music, she relaxed.

His dick throbbed with the feel of her against him. All that softness and heat. A hint of lavender teased him. He steered them around the dance floor. She felt so tiny in his arms; the top of her head didn’t even reach his chin.

Dylan slipped both arms around her as a slow, dreamy song came on.

Tilly gazed up at him with a smile.

He ran his finger under her eyes. She looked tired. He knew she worked long hours as a waitress in a diner, as well as waitressing at the club in lieu of paying fees.

He stepped back slightly and cupped her face. Bending, he kissed her lightly. If he’d been somewhere less public, he would have deepened the kiss, but he was all too aware of the people around him. Even in a seemingly safe place like this, he knew better than to let his guard down. He didn’t have just himself to look after.

Dylan was a naturally protective person. But with Tilly, his protectiveness went into overdrive. The thought of anything happening to her… he shuddered.

He might not deserve her, but damned if he was letting that stop him from having her.

As the song came to an end, he led her back to the booth and grabbed her shawl and his jacket.

“Let’s get you home.”

A flash of hurt passed over her face.

He frowned, puzzled. “Tilly, I—”

Someone shoved against him from behind and he turned. The smaller guy who’d crashed into him took a drunken step back, holding up his hands.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic