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Because Dylan was the sexiest man she’d ever met. He featured in every one of her erotic fantasies. Plus he’d worn her down. She hadn’t the heart to say no to him for a fifth time. She got the feeling he’d just keep asking until she said yes.

She had no idea why he was so persistent. There was nothing special about her.

Tilly knew she’d nearly ruined the date with her nerves. She’d barely said more than a handful of words all night. It didn’t help that this restaurant was fancier than she was used to. What if she did something wrong and embarrassed him? It would be mortifying.

“Tilly,” he said with just a hint of firmness. “Tell me.”

Dylan had been sweet all night. But she hadn’t forgotten his dominant side. When she’d first met him, she’d been completely floored. Like an idiot, she’d just stared at him, her mouth dry, her heart racing. She’d never had a reaction to a man like that before. He was just too hot for her peace of mind. He looked as though he spent hours at the gym, chiseling his body until it was hard, muscular.

To top it all off, he was a nice guy. Gorgeous, smart and dominant without being a jerk about it. Totally and utterly out of her league. She had never dreamed that he would return her interest.

Tilly cleared her throat.

Dylan leaned in close. “Tell me,” he whispered, his breath tickling her sensitive skin. A shiver ran over her body. “What do you find so amazing about me?”

Oh God, why had she let that slip out? “Umm, you’re smart. You’re resourceful. You’re athletic.”

“Athletic?” He chuckled. “I guess I am.”

Tilly wished she had the courage to run her hand over his arm, to squeeze those firm muscles.

“You know what I think?” he asked.

She shook her head, her ability to think was totally impaired by how close he was.

“I think you’re the amazing one, Tilly. You never have a bad word to say about anyone. You’re sexy, smart and a total sweetheart.”

Wow, he thought she was sexy?

“Want to get out of here?” he asked, sitting back.

“And go where?” she asked warily. She didn’t intend to have sex with him, not on their first date. She’d learned the perils of falling too hard and fast for a man. Hell, after the disastrous start to this date, she’d be lucky if he ever asked her out again.

“We’ll go get a burger and a beer at a bar I know.”

That sounded way more fun than sticking around here, but they couldn’t just leave.

“We can’t do that,” she said, looking around the room nervously.

“Why not? It’s not as though we’ve ordered yet.”

“Yes, but the waiter is probably relying on our tip.”

“I’ll leave the snooty waiter a nice tip.” Dylan grabbed his wallet and put a generous amount of cash on the table. “Come on.”

He stood and held out his hand. Tilly slipped her hand into his larger, warm one and let him lead her from the restaurant. She couldn’t quite meet the waiter’s gaze as they passed him. But, as they left the restaurant, she breathed a sigh of relief.


Dylan rested his hand on the small of Tilly’s back as he steered her through the noisy, packed bar to the booths that sat along the back wall. He waved at a few people who called out.

“Regular here, huh?” she asked as he helped her into the booth, then slipped in beside her.

He grinned. “They have the best burgers in town.”

“That’s a pretty big boast.”

Now that he’d gotten her away from that stuffy restaurant she seemed more at ease. A waitress came over and they ordered.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic