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“Good. Because do it again and the punishment will be harder. Went easy on you because it was your first spanking.”

Yikes. That was easy? Maybe she wouldn’t act up to get another spanking then.

“Gonna go make you something else to eat while you stand in the corner.” He grabbed hold of her chin, raising his face. “Take it you don’t like omelets?”

She wrinkled her nose. “It was more the spinach and mushrooms in it.”

“Right. My fault for not asking you what you liked in it first.”

“I still should have eaten it. I was rude. I’m sorry, Daddy.”

“Forgiven. How about scrambled eggs on toast? You like that?”

“No veggies?” she asked suspiciously.

“No veggies.”

“Thanks, Daddy.”

He kissed her gently. “You’re a good girl, baby doll. And you deserve the world. Don’t ever forget that.”

* * *

Millie spent a painful fifteen minutes in the corner. Painful because she’d had to stand still, with her skirt up over her red ass and her panties down around her ankles.

And because she couldn’t talk. Oh, the horror. That was far harder than getting spanked. In fact, she’d rather have two spankings than experience corner time again.

That was for sure.

Now, though, she’d done her time, eaten the second breakfast he made her and they were back in his office with all those tempting boxes.

“I think we need to talk about the bag of counterfeit in my safe.” He shifted one of the end tables by the sofa then pulled up a section of the floor to reveal a safe.

“That is so cool! What do you keep in there?”

“Some cash. Not much else.” He opened it and pulled out the bag. It took up most of the room in the safe. Opening it, he examined it. “Shouldn’t keep this here. Should burn it.”

“Daddy, no! Dan will be so upset.”

He muttered something and set it back. “Figure something out.”

“Can I start opening things now? Please?”

“Go ahead, baby doll.”

With an excited squeal, she started opening packages.

“Wow! Oh Daddy, look at this! It’s so cool!” she yelled, ripping the packaging on the microphone. Then she moved to the karaoke machine. She oohed and aahed over the coloring pens and book. “And look at this! So cute!” She grabbed hold of a huge stuffed dinosaur. It was almost as big as she was. And she didn’t remember ordering it. “So, so cute!” She dived on top of it.

Suddenly, she realized Spike wasn’t saying much. Turning, she found him just watching her.

Darn it, Millie. What are you doing? You’re acting like a crazy lunatic over a big, stuffed toy.

“What you gonna call that huge beast?” He nodded over at the dinosaur.

“Daddy, there’s only one thing to call him.”

He raised an eyebrow.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic