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Instead, he was asking what she thought. What did she think?

That you most definitely deserve a spanking. That you need it to let go of the guilt.

“I deserve it,” she whispered and lay herself over his lap. She fleetingly worried about the sight she must make with her ample ass on display. Then he didn’t give her a chance to think anymore. He just grabbed the bottom of her skirt and raised it up over her ass.

“Eek!” she cried out.

“Spankings are on the bare unless we’re in public,” he told her as he drew down her panties.

Oh hell.

His hand touched her ass and she jumped, startled even though it was just a light touch. He rubbed then pulled his hand back, giving her a sharp smack.

She let out a small cry. More in surprise than pain. Another spank to her next cheek.

Two more. Smack! Smack!

Slap! Slap!

Her breath came faster, her pulse racing as her bottom grew hot. The spanks became heavier and she let out another cry. Two more and she started kicking her feet as the pain increased.


He paused. “Are you using your safeword?”

Was she? No. While the spanking was painful, it wasn’t anything she couldn’t take. And she had been naughty.

“No, Daddy.”

“Seven more.”

Smack! Smack!

She cried out again, unable to stop herself from wriggling around.

Slap! Slap!

Oh the last few really did hurt. Her bottom was throbbing by now. And she knew she wasn’t going to be comfortable sitting for a long while. But as he turned her over, and held her against his chest, careful to keep her weight off her hot bottom, she felt lighter.

The guilt was gone.

“Okay, baby doll?”

“Yeah, yeah, I am.”

He rubbed his big hand up and down her back. “Why’d you get a spanking?”

She snuggled into him. Ooh, this was nice. If she got held

like this every time she got a spanking she might have to earn more of them.

Bad Millie. You can’t act up just to get a spanking.

“For not eating my omelet and pretending I did. And for eating candy for breakfast.”

“Are you going to lie again?” His big hand squeezed one red bottom cheek.

“No, Daddy,” she squeaked, raising her hips up to try to get away from his grip.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic