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“It wasn’t because you were upset at Issy being so pushy, was it? Was it because you missed that? That you want someone to take charge? That it was nice to have someone care where you were and what you were doing and hold you accountable for misbehaving.”

“Goddamn it, how did I forget you’re a therapist?”

“This has nothing to do with me being a therapist and everything to do with me being a man and a Dom.”

She glanced at Doc then back at Archer. “You’re a Dom too?”


She crossed her arms over her chest and stepped away, frowning at them both.

“I’m just doing a favor for Murray, that’s all. You have no business trying to tell me what to do or scolding me if I don’t do what either of you say. In case you’ve forgotten we met yesterday. You’re both being overbearing and rude. If you’ll excuse me, I have deadlines to meet.”

She turned and stormed into her office. And she wasn’t sad that no one followed her. Really, she wasn’t.

“Think we might have mishandled that one.” Isaac looked over at the closed office door with a frown.

Archer took a sip of coffee. He felt a strange sense of satisfaction when he noticed she’d taken the coffee he’d made for her with him. When was the last time he’d done something as simple as make coffee for someone? Everywhere he went, there was someone looking after him.

Even when he went to the club, he was served by a sub. And even though he always gave back, he was nothing if not generous with orgasms, they were never his to take care of beyond a bit of aftercare.

Was Isaac right? Did things come too easily to him? Had he become the kind of guy who just sat back and waited for stuff? For life to happen? When was the last time he’d wanted something that he’d had to actually work for?

“Not so sure.”

Isaac raised his eyebrows. “Really? Usually you’re the one telling me to stop being an asshole.”

“You’re always an asshole,” he muttered. “But I think you’re right in this instance.”

“About her being a sub? We already knew that.”

“No, in your approach. She wasn’t annoyed or scared or upset by you scolding her. I think those tears were relief or sadness. I think that Caley has had a Dom before. For whatever reason, she now doesn’t, and she misses it.”

“And how the hell do you figure all that?”

“Something in her face. And because she didn’t once tell you to fuck off.”

“Huh.” Isaac looked thoughtful. “Most people do within the first hour of meeting me.”

“Exactly. She hasn’t told us to leave. She told you that you didn’t have the right to top her and she’s right, neither of us do.”

Isaac frowned. “You could be reading her wrong.”

“Could be,” Archer said. “But there’s something about her. Something sad. And lost.” It called to him.

It shouldn’t. He was supposed to be setting her up with his brother. Not stealing her for himself. She was completely unsuited for him. Look at where she lived. Isaac’s cabin at Sanctuary Ranch wouldn’t scare her off. And shockingly, Isaac himself didn’t seem to faze her all that much.

She was much better suited to his brother. She needed more than he could offer her.

The door to the office opened and she stood there, looking disgruntled. But again, he got a hint of sadness.

“Forgot to tell you, the creek is still flooded and there’s a tree blocking the road in the other direction. You’ll be staying here for a while yet.”

She shut the door again.



Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic