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“Do you take an interest in all strangers’ lives?”

“No. Can’t remember the last time I really took an interest in someone else’s life who wasn’t under my care.”

“Under your care?”

“I’m a doctor on a ranch. Everyone there is under my medical care.”

Oh right. They way he’d said it, it had sounded like he had a harem of submissives, following his every bidding.

And that hadn’t been jealousy she’d felt at the thought. Really, it hadn’t.

“But then I found myself in the middle of a storm, staying in a cabin with a sub who is clearly not taking care of herself properly.”

“I’m not a child. I can take care of myself just fine.”

Doc made a noise of disagreement. Urgh, he was such a jerk. She wanted to…wanted to… strangle him! Kick him!

Kiss him.

Shoot. Where had that thought come from? What was wrong with her? There were so many emotions running through her. Anger. Arousal.

She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so alive. And she wasn’t sure she liked it.

“I have work to do.” She turned towards her office. She needed to get away from them for a while. She needed to breathe.

“I don’t think so,” Doc stated, moving in front of her.

“Out of my way.”


“Issy,” Archer warned.

“Issy?” she asked Doc, who grimaced.

“Childhood nickname and don’t try to distract me. You’re not going to work. You worked well into the night. You’re going to sit your butt down and explain to me what you were thinking by sneaking off like that. Then you’re going to eat whatever I make us for breakfast and drink your coffee.”

“And if I don’t?”

“Then I’m gonna have to get strict with you.”

“You. Have. No. Right.” She scowled at Doc.

“Why’d you get upset before?” Archer asked suddenly. He was leaning back against the kitchen counter, studying her intently.

“What do you mean?” She walked towards the table and picked up her coffee. She grabbed her creamer from the fridge, dumping in a g

enerous amount. Seemed she was going to need a pick-me-up to deal with these guys.

“When you got upset out in the truck, I thought it was because Issy was being his usual overbearing self. But you’re not intimidated by him at all, are you?”

Doc made a scoffing noise.

“I find him intimidating,” she defended.

“Uh-uh, love, no lying,” Archer said in a low voice. “My dominant side might be less obvious than my brother’s but that doesn’t mean I will stand for being lied to. And I think Issy might be right, you need a keeper. How long have you known you were a sub? Have you ever had a full-time Dom? Why’d you get upset earlier?”

Her gaze drifted away from his. The sternness in his voice sent a shiver up her spine.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic