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But that was the only allowance he’d made. And she was feeling a burst of independence. She also thought it was probably time to get back to work. Although there was a part of her that was enjoying having a break, she missed working as well.

First, though, she needed a new laptop. Oh God, just the thought of shopping for a new laptop made her feel stressed.

You can do it.

“Caley, I’m going to count to three then you better have your bottom on your chair and be ready for Daddy to feed you lunch.”

Not happening.


She shook her head.




She gave him a stubborn look. He stood and trepidation filled her. Uh-oh. What had she been thinking?

“I’m sorry, Daddy. I sit now!”

“I appreciate the apology but it’s not getting you out of your punishment. Come here.” He drew out her chair but instead of waiting for her to sit in it, he sat and crooked a finger at her.

Oh dear. She really was in trouble.

She shook her head, her hands moving behind to her bottom as though to protect it.

“Caley, come here. Now. You do not want me to get up and come grab you. I can promise you that.”

She was starting to really regret her choices.

“Daddy, can’t I have a do-over?”

“No, you cannot. You’ve needed this for a while now, but I haven’t wanted to spank you while you were recovering. However, since you seem to think your hands are healed enough that you can do everything yourself then it seems you’re well enough to get punished.”

He may not have spanked her but she usually went into time-out at least once a day. Turns out, she wasn’t the best patient. He’d created a new chart and two more jars. By now, the frowny faces well out-weighed the smiley faces and she knew she was going to be pulling something out of the punishment jar come Sunday.

“Caley, last warning.”

She scampered over to where he sat.

“Don’t run!” he barked at her. “You could trip and hurt yourself. Over you go.”

He helped her lie over his lap. She was wearing a T-shirt, sweatpants and a pair of fluffy, bright orange socks. A gift from Daisy. Every day one of the Littles who lived on Sanctuary visited her, sometimes they even played with her, helping her with her clay or her coloring since she couldn’t really do any of it herself.

He drew down her sweatpants and panties.

“Daddy! Can’t we talk about this?”

He started rubbing her bottom. “What would you like to talk about, baby doll?”

“Abouts how I shouldn’t get spanked!”

“And why not? Daddy asked you to come to him. He gave you a count. You had your chance to sit like a good girl and eat your lunch. Now you’ve earned yourself some punishment in order to remember to obey Daddy and because tantrums are never acceptable. It’s a count of twenty then ten minutes of corner time.”


Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic