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“Place your hands behind your back. I’m going to hold your wrists, so you don’t accidentally bang your hands and hurt yourself.”

What about the hurt that was going to be applied to her ass! He was always concerned with her harming herself. Even while her butt was being reddened.

She placed her hands in the small of her back and he carefully held her wrists together. Then his hand descended on her butt.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Holy crap. He certainly wasn’t taking it easy on her. That was for sure.

Slap! Slap!

All too soon her ass was burning. Tears welled in her eyes and she sobbed, kicking her feet.

Smack! Smack!

She finally gave up fighting. She knew she wasn’t going to get free. His hand laid down smack after smack. Her bottom throbbed. Her skin burned and when he was done, she was sobbing. He turned her over, holding her on his lap for a long moment, rocking her gently and kissing her forehead.

Once she’d stopped crying, though, he set her on her feet in front of him, holding her hips. She was standing there just dressed in a tight T-shirt. She must have kicked her pants and panties off while she was over his knee.


“Over to the corner, baby doll.”

She turned and moved to the corner. She was well acquainted with this corner. She sighed, closing her eyes as she spread her legs and pressed her forehead against the corner, poking her bottom out.

“Good girl,” he told her quietly.

That praise filled her with warmth. She knew she was acting like a bit of a brat because she was starting to get frustrated. She was ready for her hands to be fully healed.

“Right, come here, baby doll.”

She turned, having to remind herself not to run as she moved back to where he sat on the chair. He drew her onto his lap once more. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

“I’m sorry I was naughty and didn’t listen to you, Daddy. I know you’re only trying to take care of me.”

“You’re starting to get frustrated; I get it. But your hands still need time to get better.”

She nodded. “I’ve really liked spending these days in Little space, but I also miss working. I think I’m ready to spend some more time as adult me.”

“All right. Your hands aren’t up to typing, though.”

“I know, I’ll need to learn dictation. I also need to get a laptop. And a printer.” She sighed. “I hate buying new stuff.”

“I would never have known,” he told her dryly. He gave her a wry smile.

She licked her lips. “I was also thinking that maybe it was time for…I mean, you did say once I was ready that you would let me…that we could have sex,” the last two words were said quickly, her voice a high squeak.

“I did, didn’t I?” His heated gaze looked over her. “I didn’t want to touch you while you were recovering.”

“It’s only my hands that are injured. There’s nothing wrong with the, uhh, rest of me.” She groaned. “I’m so bad at sexy talk.”

He stared at her. “That was your attempt at sexy talk?”

She hid her face in his shoulder. “Yes.”

His chest moved and she knew he was laughing at her. “Don’t laugh. I don’t know how to talk sexy.”

“Well, we’ll have to practice, won’t we?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic