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“And so you’re prepared to just walk away from her?”

“Shouldn’t you be looking out for Doc’s best interests?”

“I figure you’re already doing that. Maybe it’s not Doc’s interests or yours that I’m thinking of. Maybe it’s hers. She kept asking about you. And when she did manage to get some sleep, it wasn’t just Doc she called for.” Kent turned and walked away.



She could hear the whispers. The giggles. She knew something was wrong. Someone spat at her as she walked past a group of people. Spittle hit her cheek. She reached up and wiped it off.

Shock filled her. This was the town she’d grown up in. She knew everyone here.

“You disgust me! You’re filthy!” someone screamed.

She turned, looking in shock at her third-grade teacher. Mrs. Peach was always so nice to everyone. But her face was twisted. Filled with anger. Hate.

Suddenly, Caley knew it wasn’t safe for her here. Not at all. She turned and ran. She knew it was cowardly, but if she stuck around then they might all turn on her. Her breath pounded in and out of her lungs as she raced. She heard a thump of footsteps behind her. Someone yelled but she couldn’t understand what they were saying.

Oh God! They were chasing her! What happened when they caught her?

Suddenly a car pulled up around the corner in front of her. The passenger door opened.

“Get in!” Dave yelled.

She dove in and he took off before she had a chance to shut the door or put on her seatbelt.

“Turn around. Put your belt on and close the door.” His voice was sharp. He’d never snapped at her before. But with the situation they were in, she couldn’t blame him for being snappy.

“Those bastards.” He glanced around as he drove. She wondered where he was taking them.

She was trembling. Her stomach clenching tight. She was a mess. She let out a sob.

“What’s going on? What happened back there?” Tears dripped down her face.

“Someone took photos of us in the motel,” he told her. “They must have a hole in the wall or something. I don’t fucking know.”

Dave never swore. He was always so calm. Then he slammed his fist into the steering wheel. “I got called into headquarters this morning. They fucking fired me.”

“B-because of the photos?”

What would he do? Would he leave and find a job somewhere else? What would she do?

“They said it was because of the DUI the other night, but I’m sure that was only an excuse.”

She rubbed her hand over her face. “What will you do?”

“I have to leave. I can’t stay here. The sheriff warned me I’ll be arrested if I stay.”

What? That was insane. How could the sheriff threaten to arrest him? They hadn’t done anything wrong. “Caley, I want you to come with me.”

Come with him? Leave her home? But was it much of a home? Her parents barely knew she was alive and now it seemed the whole town was out for her blood. She was just spat on and chased.

“I-I don’t know.” She hadn’t known Dave that long. Could she go away with him?

“I’m leaving, Caley. You have two hours to decide.” He stopped outside her parents’ house. “I care about you, Caley. What we’re doing isn’t wrong, but I know that no one here will accept it. If we leave, we’ll have to go somewhere more isolated.”

She nodded, shaking. He was right.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic