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Jensen studied him for a moment. “Oh, I think you more than care for her.”

Archer scowled.

“You love her, don’t you?”

“That’s none of your business.”

Kent grunted. “Does Doc know?”

“No,” he told him. “And I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell him.”

Kent nodded. “Are you gonna tell him?”

His shoulders slumped. “I don’t know. It will make everything…complicated.”

Kent snorted. “That it will. You know, when you walked in the door her whole face lit up. Haven’t seen her with Doc, but I assume she does the same with him?”

“She does. They’re good for each other. I’m not here to get between them.”

“That’s good. Doubt Doc would allow that anyway. Didn’t think he’d ever find someone who could, uhh, appreciate his uniqueness.”

Archer had to grin at that. “Caley’s special.”

Kent patted his shoulder. “You’re prepared to take care of her, give her what she needs until Doc can be tracked down?”

“I can take care of Caley.”

Kent nodded. “She’s fragile at the moment. She needs some careful handling.”

“I’m a psychiatrist, I think I can handle it.”

“Yeah, I don’t really think the doctor part is in charge right now. You’re acting on emotion.”

“Look, I know I shouldn’t have gotten mad just now, but she walked into a damned burning building.”

“I get it. And when she’s feeling better, I’m sure Doc will tan her hide. But right now, that’s not what she needs.”

“I know. I’ve got this.”

“She hasn’t been eating. Doubt she’s sleeping much. She’s lost everything and Doc isn’t around. I’m just trying to look out for her.”

“I appreciate that,” Archer forced a patient note into his voice. “But you don’t know her. I do. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her until my brother returns.”

“And then what?”

He frowned. “What?”

Kent folded his arms across his chest. “I got some friends who share a girl. Works well for them. Means one of them can always be around to take care of her. Watch over her. Could work well for someone who has experienced loss like Caley has.”

“Are you suggesting I should share Caley with Doc?”

Kent shrugged. “You saying you haven’t considered it?”

“Yeah, I have. I thought walking away was the best thing. For both of them. But…”

“But you can’t stop thinking about her. Wanting her. You should tell them.” Kent frowned. “Well, I wouldn’t tell Caley right now. She doesn’t need to feel torn between you both. But if you told Doc and he was open to the idea…”

He shook his head. He couldn’t see it happening. “You don’t know about our history. There was a woman…it doesn’t matter.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic