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“She's a woman scorned,” Bruce replied. “She can do a lot of damage. Don't think of her size. Think of how angry she is. That's what we're up against.”

Ethan shuddered. Janie had known everything about him as his secretary. He'd changed the locks and files since she'd left, but she still had knowledge of his habits that she could use.

“What do I do?” Ethan asked.

“Let me handle it,” Bruce advised. “I'll get some guys to watch her. In the meantime, we're doubling your security detail, and you're changing your routines.”

Ethan nodded. He had thought Janie was in the past. So much for that.

“We'll get to the bottom of this,” Bruce assured him. “But until we do, you need to be cautious. You aren't safe. Has she tried to contact you?”

Ethan shook his head. “Not that I know of.”

Bruce nodded. “Okay. You call me immediately if she does.”

“What about Laura?” Ethan asked Bruce. “Do I need to be worried about her?”

Bruce paused and then nodded. “Yes. I'll tell the security team at the ranch to up their patrols and keep an eye on her.”

Ethan hated the way his stomach twisted at the thought of her being harmed. He would do anything to keep her safe from this. She was innocent and didn't deserve Janie's wrath. She had too much on her plate with the kids to have to deal with this. It wasn't fair to put this on her too.

“Let's go back up to your office,” Bruce said, putting a hand on Ethan's shoulder. “We need to come up with a plan.”

Ethan nodded and turned down the hallway toward the elevator back upstairs. His thoughts flew through his mind like dark clouds blown on the wind.

This wasn't the same as what happened to Carter, but the similarities were enough to make him nervous. He thought of Mia and how Carter's attacker had almost killed her and their unborn child. He couldn't let that happen to Laura. He couldn't let anything happen to Laura.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. How was he going to keep her safe from a secretary that knew his habits?

Chapter 33


Laura closed her eyes and imagined herself at a mountain lake. There were horses, and the world smelled of pine and fresh rain. The lake sparkled in the sunlight and sunlight warmed her skin. It was peaceful and calm. Nothing could be wrong in this beautiful place.

And then a plane crashed into the lake, and everything was ruined.

Laura groaned and opened her eyes. Visualizing a calm space was not helping her anxiety. Ethan was getting on a plane again today, and all she could think about was his plane crashing and never seeing him again. It didn't matter that he'd survived the last flight just fine. It didn't matter than she knew it was irrational and stupid.

She was still anxious and upset about it.

She flopped onto the couch and checked her phone for the millionth time. No messages. The kids would be home soon, and she welcomed the distraction. The kitchen was scrubbed to shining, the bathrooms sparkled, and the laundry was folded and put away. She was running out of household chores to keep her busy while she worried.

She was considering pulling out a cookbook and baking something when the door opened and Ivy and Dallas walked in. They were all smiles and energy, which was exactly what she needed.

“Hi, guys!” she greeted them, jumping up from the couch and rushing to the door.

“Hey, Laura,” Dallas replied, dropping his backpack on the floor and kicking off his shoes. Ivy was slightly neater, placing her shoes by the door and hanging her backpack on the peg.

“How was school?” Laura asked, picking up Dallas' backpack and hanging it for him. She wasn't even going to bother him to pick it up she was so desperate to have something to do other than obsessively check her phone.

“It was field day today,” Dallas told her. “We played zombie tag in the field.”

“That sounds fun,” Laura replied. “What about you, Ivy?”

“I won the Frisbee throwing competition,” she said proudly. “We have a movie day tomorrow, and then Ms. Jackson says we will have a picnic for the last day of school.”

“A picnic?” Laura asked.

Tags: Krista Lakes Kinds of Love Billionaire Romance