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“What does that mean, Bruce?” Ethan asked. His stomach clenched and ice ran through his veins. He knew this wasn't just a bored teenager. This was a real threat.

“It means we have a problem,” Bruce said. “You aren't safe. I'm increasing your security. You aren't going home tonight.”

Ethan sighed and felt his shoulders sag. So much for a restful night. He wasn't going to get that call to Laura. He checked his watch. It was already too late anyway.

“I guess I am sleeping at my desk tonight,” Ethan told him. He was just glad he'd put a cot in his closet. It wouldn't be nearly as comfortable as his king bed at home, but it was better than the floor by leaps and bounds.

“Hold up,” Bruce commanded, holding up one hand while the other pressed on the radio in his ear. His eyes narrowed, and he somehow got bigger.

“What's up?” Ethan asked, not liking the way his head of security was reacting to whatever news he was getting through his headset.

“Someone just tried to break into your house,” Bruce stated.

Ethan felt his heart skip a beat. “What?”

“The alarm system was triggered when the fence was tampered with,” Bruce explained. “The police are there. It looks like the perimeter alert was triggered and there's some minor damage to the fence, but nothing else.”

“Cameras?” Ethan asked, not feeling particularly hopeful.

“Nothing,” Bruce confirmed. “The intruder was wearing reflective material to blind the cameras. All we can see is a person, but no details. They knew what kind of cameras you have.”

“And I'm guessing they are nowhere to be found?” Ethan asked, feeling annoyed that even with a million dollar security system this could still happen. What exactly was he paying all this money for?

Bruce shook his head. “He got away. But he left a picture of you with your eyes X-d out and your throat slit.”

“Awesome. Just like the car.” Ethan paced the hallway. This night had just gone from bad to worse.

“Can you think of anyone that would want to hurt you?” Bruce asked. “I'll go through the usual lists, but can you think of anyone recent?”

Ethan sighed and looked up at the ceiling, trying to think of someone who would hate him. “I don't know, Bruce. I piss off a lot of people.”

“I don't mean to be indelicate, but how are things between you and Laura?” Bruce asked. “Could she have something to do with this?”

“Laura?” Ethan barked a laugh. “That's not who did this. She wouldn't know the first thing about the cameras. She doesn't even like getting her picture taken.”

Something about that last sentence ticked Ethan's brain. Pictures. He sagged against the wall as he figured out someone who would hate him enough to destroy his car and want him dead.

“You think of someone?” Bruce asked, taking a step toward him.

Ethan nodded. “Janie. Janie must have seen the tabloid picture in the newspaper of Laura and me. Janie'd be furious.”

Bruce let out a long breath. “Jealous ex-secretary....” He shook his head, obviously remembering the trouble they'd had with her. There were restraining orders, police reports, and a slew of bad memories surrounding that woman and her insane idea that Ethan was supposed to love her.

“It has to be her,” Ethan said. He felt like he might throw up. Janie had ruined his first chance with Laura, and now Janie was ruining his life yet again.

“Has anything else strange happened recently?” Bruce asked. “Things going missing? Gifts you weren't expecting? That kind of thing.”

“Yeah. All of that,” he said. His pens going missing. The tie in the mail. Ethan didn't think his heart could sink any lower in his chest, but those questions pushed it down another three inches.

“Shit.” Bruce ran a hand over his bald head. “Janie would know our security protocols and where the cameras are.”

“She helped with the house security once,” Ethan remembered. “She came by and tripped one of the alarms. It was one of the perimeter ones along the fence.”

Bruce looked at him. “I think you have a stalker, Ethan.” The big man's face was grim. “I think Janie's pissed.”

Ethan thought of Janie. She was tiny. He had thought her harmless. Annoying and disruptive, but he'd never thought she'd resort to something like this.

“Do you think she really means to hurt me?” Ethan asked.

Tags: Krista Lakes Kinds of Love Billionaire Romance