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but I did find some curious information on who you were, Evelyn. For instance, you also go by Scout and your mother’s a junkie.” She made a patronizing pout with her lips that smacked of pity, and

Scout’s stomach dropped. “I’d hate for that sort of personal information to fall into the wrong hands.

Patras is a name that can afford some bad press, but wouldn’t tolerate being sullied with the sort of

filth that shows up at a sophisticated affair dressed as a hooker.”

It was Scout’s turn to gape. How had she found out about Pearl? She stepped into the woman’s

personal space and the she-bitch had the good sense to ease back. “I think you’ve made a mistake, Ms.

Nottingham. You see, there’s only one whore here, and she’s wearing red. Come near me again and

I’ll show you exactly how low-class I can be.”

Scout turned and marched out of the room. Her legs carried her right to the bar. “May I please have

a shot of tequila?”

The bartender raised a brow and poured the crystal liquid from a stout bottle into a tiny glass. He

placed a slender green lime on a napkin and slid it across the bar. With trembling hands, she tipped the shot back and savored the burn as it made its way down to her shaking insides.

“Hey, are you okay?”

She turned and found Nick. “Can we get out of here?”

He frowned and eyed her suspiciously. He jerked around and glared at Lucian. Scout followed his

gaze. Nottingham was whispering to Lucian, who was scowling. He stood and turned away from his

date, and scanned the room.

When his gaze fell on her, she narrowed her eyes. Lucian’s brow lowered. He glanced back at

Nottingham briefly, seeming to blow her off.

“Can I get you anything else, Miss?” the bartender asked.

“Do you want me to get the truck?” Nick asked.

She turned to the bartender. “I’ll have a tequila sunrise.” He nodded and went about concocting the

drink. She turned to Nick. “Did you ever just want to say fuck it and do something crazy?”


She couldn’t keep up with her emotions. Jealousy teetered between shame and indignation. It was

all a mess. She was a mess. “Do you want to stay or go?” she asked, letting him make the decision.

He turned back and gave Lucian an assessing glance. “Did he say something that upset you?”

“No, but the slut he’s here with basically called me white trash in the bathroom.”

His nostrils flared and he mumbled something that sounded like, “Fucking rich people.” Sighing, he

held out his arm. “Well, lovey, shall we show them how trashy people dance?”

She smiled and took a hefty sip of her cocktail, the sweet cherry a perfect compliment to the tangy

tequila. “I’d love to.”

With the dinner hour over, the band kicked it up a notch. Scout didn’t know music and she wasn’t a

great fast dancer, but she knew how to fuck and she decided dancing was like fucking, but with clothes

on. Turned out, Nick was a great dance partner.

His large hands held her hips as she ground her behind into him. Her arms dangled high above her

head as she let the rhythm seep into her limbs. A light dew of sweat coated her skin and by the third

song, the liquor permeated her brain and she let go.

It didn’t matter that they were making a display. Everyone had drawn their conclusions the moment

she stepped foot into the room wearing a dress too showy for their elitist tastes.

Nick turned her and laughed as he dropped low on his haunches, bobbing with the beat. She did the

same and when she tried to bounce up, she lost her balance and tipped back. Her hand reached for him

and he quickly pulled her back up to her full height.

She lurched to the left when something yanked on her arm. Dizzy with exertion and too much

champagne and tequila, she stumbled and came face to face with Lucian. He glowered at her and

growled, “Enough!”

“Hey,” Nick called, coming to her aid.

Lucian turned like a panther ready to attack. “Back off, kid. She’s drunk and you’re not helping.”

Scout snatched her arm from his grip. “I am not drunk, Lucian.” That was a lie.

He leaned close. “No? You almost fell on your ass. You’re making a scene.”

She drew back. “I’m not the one making a scene. You are! You and that waspy bitch you came here

with. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going back to what I was doing. Nick—”

Lucian spun her so quickly she nearly did fall on her ass. “I said enough.”

She shot up on her toes and got in his face. “You don’t call those shots anymore. I’m a grown

woman and can take care of myself.”

His chest expanded as he drew in a long breath. Through gritted teeth he said, “I’m giving you one

minute to pack it up and leave. Either that, or I’ll have you escorted out of here.”

Tags: Lydia Michaels The Surrender Trilogy Billionaire Romance