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shadows of the stage as the pianist sang. She focused on the words as Lucian glided with her.

“I’ve never heard it before,” she said.

“It’s by One Republic. It reminds me of you.”

“Oh, Lucian . . .” She couldn’t do this.

“Shhh, just let me have this moment of holding you without arguing about the past. I miss you,


She smiled sadly and blinked back tears. Her cheek rested over his strong chest, the beat of his heart

echoing beneath the beautiful, lyrical vocals.

“Maybe I’m just dreaming out loud, but until then . . . Come home. Come home.”

Her eyes closed as the words washed over her. Her heart wanted to simply wish away the past

month and start back where they’d been before he broke her. As the song concluded and their steps

slowed, she considered saying fuck it all and telling him just that. But as they stepped apart, her eyes caught on the stunning beauty in the red dress observing them.

Scout’s peace faltered as she drew in a deep breath and stepped away. “Thank you.”

“Evelyn . . .”

She shook her head. “You’re here with her, Lucian. Go be with her.”

He blinked. His eyes creased and she thought perhaps he might deny that they were together, but he

simply nodded and stepped back. Scout watched him turn away first and then retreated to the ladies’

room, fighting back the emotions threatening to break the fragile façade she held by a string.

Locking herself in a stall, she pressed her cheek to the wall and held her stomach as she cried

silently and without tears. Would she ever stop loving him? Even after everything he’d done, she

couldn’t deny that she loved him more than anyone in this world and she’d never overlook the fact

that he gave her away.

Once Scout had her emotions under control, she brushed her hands down her dress and tried for

good posture. With trembling fingers, she unlatched the stall door and came to an abrupt stop.

“Enjoying yourself?”

Scout’s lips parted as she eyed the beautiful Nicole Nottingham in her glamorous gown and long

blond hair. She was even more stunning up close, intimidatingly so.

Scout was too taken off guard to answer. Nicole took in her appearance, an assessing expression in

her calculating eyes that told Scout she wasn’t impressed with what she saw. It took everything she

possessed not to cover herself. Instead, she stood straight and met the blond bombshell’s challenging


“I must say, I thought you’d make an appearance before now. When you didn’t show up over the

past few weeks, I assumed you might not. Your presence this evening took me by surprise. Lucian also

seemed a bit put out by your attendance.”

Scout narrowed her eyes. “I don’t usually clear my schedule with him.”

Nicole’s painted red lips quirked. “Of course not. I’ve looked into you, Ms. Keats. Interesting that

before you dated Lucian, you didn’t exist. However did you two meet?”

She’d “looked into” her? What the hell did that mean? Scout didn’t need some rich heiress traipsing around in her past. If her background was exposed it would embarrass Lucian, something he claimed

not to care about, but Scout had worried over frequently.

Scout refused to show any sign of insecurity. “Kind of you to care so much. If you have questions, I

suggest you ask Lucian. Or isn’t he open with you?”

Her manicured eyebrow arched slowly. “You’re a feisty little thing. I just want to make sure that

we’re perfectly clear. Lucian’s here with me and he’s leaving with me. I’d like to leave the baggage at the door if you know what I mean.”

Scout jerked back. “Did you just call me baggage?”

“It was the kindest word I could think of,” Nottingham said haughtily.

Scout’s mouth gaped and she snorted. Wasn’t this little viper interesting? “Really?” She tilted her

head and smiled, amused. The champagne had apparently given her a solid pair, and Scout was

grateful for the false courage.

“Well, let me enlighten your stunted vocabulary, Ms. Nottingham. The only baggage here is under

your eyes. And as far as where I came from, or what I am to Lucian, it’s none of your damn business.

You can try to intimidate me all you want, but your first mistake was following me in here at all. It

reeks of insecurity. You’re nothing but a high-class act on the hunt for a better name, when I know the man behind the name.

“If you think coming in here and cornering me will impress him or intimidate me, you’re wrong. I

thank you for the display. It’s enlightened me as to how hollow this charade the two of you are putting on actually is. You don’t know him. And while you may have his company, I have his heart. So, if

you’ll excuse me, darling, I must be getting back.”

Scout swept past the willowy creature and came up short when she called her name. “Scout.”

She involuntarily turned and Nicole smiled wickedly. “Like I said, before Lucian, you didn’t exist,

Tags: Lydia Michaels The Surrender Trilogy Billionaire Romance