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I’d forgotten I looked like someone else and was almost flattered that he thought I looked like one of the girls Fancy had hanging out with her to ‘entertain’ the guests. “It’s me,” I said.

He turned to me, lifting his hands above his head, palms up, in an I-give-up gesture. “It’s not what it looks like,” he said.

I smirked, because I hadn’t even thought about what it looked like. He was almost naked with Fancy. I bet she was enjoying this. “Aw,” I said.

He squinted at me and then erupted in a foxlike grin.

“I’d do your sexy ass, in a heartbeat,” Fancy said, “but I’ve already done a lot of that and I’m too tired to do it again.”

I held my smirk.

“No offense, Fancy,” Blake said as he winked at me, “and I’m flattered, but my heart’s got another target.”

“A girl can’t get any sleep around here with all these hot bodies around,” Fancy said and pointed a makeup brush in my direction. “Why am I the makeup girl? You can do this.”

“I can,” I said and came closer to Blake in his underwear, examining his darkened skin. It would have been easier to just get a tan, but she’d also changed the appearance of his bone structure and had given him a sharper jawline and a slimmer nose. “Although I’m more used to doing my own makeup, and usually just enough to look presentable.”

“Makeup is art,” Fancy said. “Trust me, you can change your whole image with one swipe of mascara.” Blake was still looking my way, and she pinched his butt. “Stop gawking at her and look at me.”

He lurched sideways but then corrected himself. “It’s hard to believe it’s her,” he said, turning his head again toward Fancy. “I don’t think I like it.”

“Because you can’t tell it’s me?” I asked.

“I don’t like it because it isn’t your face,” he said. “But then, I like your face.”

I turned from him, pretending to be putting on shoes, hoping I wasn’t blushing as I tried to play it cool.

“Yeah, well, there’s only so much I can do for you,” Fancy said, dusting off her powder brush. “Unless you change your mind about the wig.”

“I may have to dye it instead,” Blake said. He combed his fingers through his golden hair, thick strands shifting until it fell perfectly to frame his face, giving his jawline and cheekbones definition. I was immensely jealous. “I’ve had wigs and they itch like the devil.”

“Why were you wearing wigs?” I asked.

“Not telling,” he said with a smirk. “And probably not what you’re thinking.”

I sat on the sofa and smoothed out wrinkles in the tight black pants.

“So…where’s Corey?” I’d figured he’d be here at some point, too. I was worried about his involvement in the conversation, hoping he wouldn’t have to confess to the others that he was gay if he wasn’t prepared to.

“He had to get going,” Blake said and turned his head to look at me, but Fancy caught his chin and made him look at her. She continued to apply makeup around his jaw, making it look fuller. “He’s still on the hunt for Raven. One of the others is going to come down here soon. Not sure who yet.”

I gulped. One of the others. Marc or Brandon. Maybe Axel. I worried about Corey, of course, but after talking with Liam, I wasn’t sure who might still be on my side.

Maybe I’d get lucky and they’d send Kevin. Would he be mad at me for upsetting his team, though? Would he even be told?

“What about you?” I asked Blake.

“I shouldn’t even be down here,” he said. “I should get going. It’s less likely they’ll recognize the two of us if we stay apart. And if I get caught, it won’t compromise you.”

“And vice versa,” I said with a sigh, knowing I wouldn’t be able to go out alone. “Keep someone with you.”

“My options are limited.”

“What about Avery or Liam?”

“Busy, from what I heard.” He smirked. “But I’ll find someone soon. I’ll stay with Doyle until I do.”

When Fancy finally finished, Blake got dressed, putting on black pants and a black sweater. His face looked different—unlike himself—and he was wearing colored contacts as well, making the gold flecks in his hazel eyes disappear completely. Instead, they were flat brown. He combed his hair straight back, the style almost country hick—a stark contrast to his usual polished style.

We were almost dressed like staff since we were wearing all black like they did, although we could pass for guests who just happened to be wearing black. Fancy was pretty good with picking outfits.

Fancy collapsed on the bed, covering herself with the blanket. She snapped her manicured fingers at us and then waved us away. “Out,” she said. “Don’t come back unless you’re dying…wait, I mean, don’t let anyone kill you while I’m sleeping.” She buried her head into one of the pillows. “God, I’m so tired. Fucking with people fucks you up.”

I headed to the door. I thought I’d let Fancy sleep, and wait with Blake out in the hallway. It was still before eight, but waiting around wasn’t my strong suit. I thought I could at least snag some breakfast somewhere. There were cold coffee and muffins left, but I really wanted eggs and steak again. However, there was a stop I wanted to make.

Liam had been right that we needed to focus on getting Raven off the hook. This scene was looking bad. I had to focus and help him.

I exited before Blake was finished getting ready. He stumbled out, stuffing his foot into a black dress shoe, and came after me. An arm shot out around my waist, forcing me to stop, and the foxlike smile faded from his face. “Where do you think you’re going?”

I raised an eyebrow. “Waiting with you out here. And then I thought I’d go to the balcony.”

His lips parted, and he blinked at me. “What balcony?”

“The place…the sundeck area where we were pushed off.”

“You’re not going back there.”

I rolled my eyes. “Did anyone check it after we went over?”

“I’m guessing yes,” Blake said. “I’m going to assume they did. They didn’t mention seeing anything important.”

Maybe the guys had inspected the area, but starting anywhere else felt like I’d be missing something. It would bug me for days if I didn’t go look at it myself and examine the area.

“I don’t like to assume.” I pushed at his arm, heading out into the hall. Once out there, I scanned for other guests, but the hall was empty, quiet.

He rushed up beside me. “But why?” he asked in a low tone through clenched teeth. “We don’t need to do this.”

“I think attempted murder is a good reason to try,” I said, although I kept my voice low as well. It was too unnatural for me to use an accent, and it would be better if I just wasn’t heard if I could help it.

“But what are you looking for?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” I said. “I just need a starting point.”

He tugged at my elbow to draw me close to him. “Sweetheart,” he said, “normally I’d agree with you, but we don’t need to go over the same areas…”

There was a beeping sound up the hallway and the elevator doors opened.

At first glance, I thought it was Corey, but one look at those dead serious blue eyes told me I was mistaken. It was his brother.

Brandon was identical to his twin, with a country-boy face and short, sun-kissed hair. He had the same wide shoulders, and was tall. However, he was a little thinner than his brother at the moment, a consequence from when we’d been kidnapped and poisoned. As we’d recovered, he had hid his thinness with layers of clothes.

Unlike his brother, Brandon carried a deep sadness that Corey had only recently started to echo.

Brandon’s depth, his deep emotional aura, followed him wherever he went and was usually the only way I could tell them apart.

He wore crumpled slacks and a blue long-sleeved polo that almost hung off of one shoulder.

It was like a million years had passed since I’d last seen him. My stomach tightened. I stopped breathing. I was too afraid to move.

If he was here for me, it meant he knew.

I suddenly realized Liam had never said them coming would mean they’d agreed to anything. If they were allowed to come see me, it just meant they wouldn’t cause a scene or cause problems.

Tags: C.L. Stone The Scarab Beetle Romance