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Chapter Three“Have you talked to him yet?” Brooklyn asked me two days later, her left eyebrow quirked to emphasize her impatience.

“I have, yes,” I sighed. My thoughts immediately ripped from my job to the incredibly tense text conversation I’d had with Kenny.

It wasn’t tense on his part. It was me. I’d been so terrified he’d blank me that I’d barely been able to even pick up my phone when he texted me back. I’d sent him a text to say hello the morning after I’d talked with Brooklyn about finding a guy.

“And?” She pushed me to answer, her body now closer to mine. “Tell me already, Nic!”

“We’re going out tonight.” I turned away from her and back to the shelf in the library, where I’d been busy putting books away before she barged in to browbeat me.

I didn’t want her to see the pleased grin on my face or the way my cheeks blossomed with hints of red. I could feel the heat and knew I was doing something I hated. Why did I have to blush all the time? It drove me crazy, but I couldn’t help it.

“Girl! You couldn’t text me and tell me? I’ve been busy, I know, but come on now! I’m your best friend! Where are you going?” Her words went from affront to curiosity so quick it made my head spin.

“I wanted to be sure he didn’t cancel, and we’re going to that dance club, Bar 21.” I flicked a glance behind me to make sure there wasn’t anyone at the checkout desk that needed me and turned back to her. “I plan on having a few drinks and then I’ll ask him to take me back to his place.”

“On the first date?” Brooklyn, not a naïve young woman by any measure, stared at me in surprise. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“Well, all I want to do is get it over with, you know? I’m going to leave here soon enough and leave all of this behind me. I don’t want to start a relationship I just want to get rid of it.” I stressed the last word, even though she knew what I wanted to get rid of.

“I’m still not sure it’s a good idea, Nic. I mean, I kind of know the guy, but not really.” She looked at me and I could see she was concerned, but she could also see that I wasn’t. She gave in with a dramatic sigh. “Fine, but at least make sure you have condoms with you. Don’t let him do anything with you until he had one on. Maybe two.”

“Wouldn’t two just strangle his… ahem, you know what?” I couldn’t look at her as I whispered the question.

“Girl, if you can’t even say the words for genitalia, how are you going to actually have sex with him?” She looked kind of miffed and I had to admit, she had a point.

“I can if I need to, but it’s here, you know?” I whispered to her; my head close to hers. “It’s like being in church.”

“I get you.” She grinned, her pale eyes sparkling. “It’s not church, but it’s school, so you feel like it’s sacred or something.”

“Yes, exactly.” I turned back to the trolley, still full of books, and took a deep breath. “I bought a new to me dress from Second Time Around.”

“That new consignment store over on Main? I heard they have good stuff.” She plucked at a book on the trolley and read the spine before she put it back. “Well, keep your phone on and text me if you need anything. Anything at all.”

She looked back up at me, the twitch of her lips a clue that she was pleased for me. Then it became a full-blown grin, and she hurriedly hugged me. “Have fun, okay? I’ll be over at Stuart’s; he’s doing a new painting of me, but I can leave at any time.”

“Thanks.” I glanced back at the checkout desk again and then turned back to her. “I’ll call you when I’m back at the dorm.”

“You aren’t staying the night with him?” Brooklyn’s surprise was evident as she stopped in the process of turning to leave.

“I don’t know. I might. Either way, I’ll text you.” I assured her and she nodded.

“Cool. Have fun, girl.” She gave a wave of her hand, her nails tipped with sapphire blue polish with silver glitter on the tips.

I turned away, wondering if I should stop at the nail salon on my way home to change? I was supposed to meet Kenny at 8, so I probably wouldn’t have time. We didn’t plan to go out to eat or see a movie. I think I’d made it clear I just wanted to have a good time.

I thought about the texts we’d exchanged so far. I’d said hello, told him who I was, and after a half-hour or so, he’d responded with a grinning emoji and a waving hand emoji.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Accidental Stepbrother Erotic