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He knew who I was, which was a relief, and yeah, he’d love to go out sometime. What did I have in mind, he’d asked, and I could all but hear the curiosity ooze from the message.

I’d sent a wink emoji, a kiss emoji, and then I’d said I just wanted to have some fun before my university days were over. I’d asked if he was up for it, trying to be provocative, which had made me blush furiously, but I’d done it.

Since then we’d exchanged quite a few heated messages, but we hadn’t met up. I’d wanted to have the next day off before I met him, so I could recover in peace if I needed that. He’d agreed, and tonight was the night.

I finished at the library at 6 and ran home to shower, dry my hair, and put on some makeup. I didn’t put on much, mainly eyeliner and some lipstick, I knew dancing would only work up a sweat, so didn’t bother going overboard. I put my hair up in a ponytail with a few thin braids to make it look interesting, and then stepped into the dress. It was a tiny little black thing that hugged every one of my curves.

I’d been surprised when I put it on and saw myself in it. It came down to mid-thigh, with thin black straps over my shoulders to hold the top up. I looked grown up in it, like a shapely woman that could hold someone’s attention. A man’s attention. Kenny’s, I hoped. I stared into the mirror on the back of the door in the small room.

I saw a woman on the verge of something that would change her life. There was excitement in her eyes, nervousness in the twist of her lips, hope in the way she breathed. I looked ready for anything and fully able to handle it.

Luckily, the word ‘virgin’ wasn’t typed in bold red letters across my forehead. There was no indication of it in anything about my appearance and I decided that I looked… good. With a smile, I picked up my bag and dropped my phone, some money, my wallet, and the box of condoms I’d bought at the pharmacy into it. One last deep breath and I slipped my feet into a pair of long, black leather boots. I pulled my knee-length black wool coat on, grabbed my keys, and left the room.

I was nervous, very nervous, but I walked tall and upright out to the parking area. I got into my small, black hatchback car and drove in the direction of the club. I didn’t plan on drinking too much and had money for a taxi if I changed my mind.

I got to the club, parked in a well-lit area, and walked up to the door. A bouncer stopped me, checked my ID, stamped my hand, took the cover charge from me, and opened the velvet rope that barred the door.

I walked into a large room lit with pink, purple, and blue spotlights. Loud music blared from speakers dotted around the space, loud enough that I could feel the bass in my body. I kind of liked it. I spun around, looking for Kenny, but I didn’t see him. It was only a few minutes after 8, so I figured he was just running late.

“Hi, can I have a rum and Coke please?” I held my hand out to the barman that looked me over with a pleased smile so that he could see the stamp on my hand that told him I was old enough to purchase alcohol. The bar wasn’t anywhere near full yet, so he came back quickly with my drink. I paid him and left with a smile on my face to walk to one of the booths on the right side of the large, open space.

It was basically a huge warehouse with a dance floor to the left, pool tables and booths on the right. I sat down in an empty booth, the dark blue leather cool as I slid along the seat. My foot began to tap as I sipped slowly at my drink.

Minutes passed, but the door didn’t open. Inspiration hit, and I thought that maybe I’d come to the wrong bar. I searched in my bag and found my phone to check. I scrolled through the messages until I found the right section.

No, this was the right bar and I also knew that Kenny hadn’t messaged me. It was 8:30 now, and still no sign of Kenny. I thought about texting Brooklyn to ask her what I was supposed to do but decided to wait. I pushed a lock of my long dark hair off my shoulder as embarrassment made my blood boil and looked around, my eyes wide.

I didn’t see him.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Accidental Stepbrother Erotic