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“But I came all this way, I tracked you down through your Instagram accounts. I worked hard for this!”

“No, you worked hard for a game, Amanda,” Michael said quietly as he noticed we’d started to draw a crowd. “You spent four years being fake and being cruel. I saw that blog you bragged about and you know what? It made me sick how childish and petulant you were. That you were so shallow that you had to do something like that says all we know about you. Oh, and all those places where you sent job applications to with us listed as references? Yeah, we sent them that blog of yours. Might be why you haven’t had any callbacks.”

Her jaw dropped and mine did too. They’d really done that. They didn’t even know me then. I squeezed Tristan’s ass through his jeans, and he glanced down at me with a wink. My head was spinning, but I hid that behind a glassy smile. I was their girlfriend now? When did that happen? And they’d destroyed any chances she had of getting a job with her dream employers? Well, technically, she had, but you get my point.

“Now, if you don’t mind, we were about to escort this beautiful creature to lunch. Can you move, please?” Michael nudged Amanda away from him. She’s started to creep up on him as if she planned some sneak assault that might involve her begging. I’d love to see that, but the look of dawning realization in her eyes said she’d had enough. Until Michael spoke.

“Oh, we sent it to your father last night, as well. He wasn’t happy with you at all. I’m surprised your credit card still works.” Michael stood over her, his gaze deliberately looking down his nose at her.

“It didn’t, I had to pay for my lunch with cash.” Horror began to swim across her face, and she reached down to dig in her bag. “I have to go.”

She said it absently as she desperately hit the call button on her phone. “Daddy, please pick up.”

I heard the words as she walked away. Now that was revenge. I didn’t feel the relief I thought I’d feel or the sweet burn of victory, I simply felt… justified. Like the world had suddenly tilted back to the way it should be and all was right in the world. It was, in my world at least.

We all walked quietly back to the hotel and had lunch in the restaurant there. It was a modern room, with dark grays and blacks everywhere. We picked a table with a booth seat that would fit all of us, with me in the middle, and picked up the menus. Tristan teased my leg to the right of me, while Michael’s hand went straight between my legs to discover I had left off the brand-new panties they’d bought me. He looked down at me, his eyes narrowed with desire but also with amusement.

All I could do was grin and move his hand away so that I could focus on the menu. There was time for fun and games later. I needed food and this place had a menu that would fill any need.

I glanced at the food choices quickly and chose something that looked like it wouldn’t take an hour to make. I was hungry and didn’t want to wait long, so I flipped through the menu until I found what I wanted. I had the best salad of my life, covered with some kind of ham bits that were actually ham, and a gallon of dressing that was obviously made at the restaurant. Creamy and almost like a Caesar dressing, I couldn’t get enough, but finally had to stop eating.

“You were hungry,” Tristan noted, and I grinned over at him.

“I worked up an appetite over the last two days.”

“Good. Now, I think we should all relax in the pool for a bit, and then, maybe a nap.”

“That’s not sexy at all,” I complained playfully, but he only laughed as he stroked my cheek with his finger.

“I didn’t say it would be a nap alone.”

“Oh, well, in that case, race you to the bed!” I shot out of the booth and raced away from the table.

I saw all the fellas were behind me with grins on their faces as we left the place behind. True to their word, we spent an hour lounging in the pool before I wandered over to the jacuzzi. I turned it on and saw the water was warm already.

I climbed in, totally naked, and sighed with relief as the jets of warm water soothed muscles that still ached. I’d taken some aspirin for the pain earlier, but it hadn’t helped much. This was heavenly, though.

I felt the guys join me in the water and opened my eyes. A smile spread over my face as I looked at them. “Why the serious looks, fellas?”

Tags: Stephanie Brother Accidental Stepbrother Erotic