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Michael called the hotel and had them send a car to pick it all up. I could only laugh as they all gave me winks and smirks that made my heart flutter. It was too much, but for once in my life, I was being spoiled. I kind of liked it, I decided.

It was as we were leaving the store that reality kicked in and the smiles disappeared. Amanda was standing at the entrance. Not a happy girl at all. I smirked at her. Payback time.Chapter Seventeen“I can’t fucking believe it.” Amanda’s face twisted with hate and disgust as she looked at me. I’d walked out with Daniel’s arm around me and now I moved closer to his side, with my own arm around his waist. “This is why you guys haven’t contacted me? You know she’s a virgin right? She has no experience at all.”

She’d asked them a question, but she didn’t wait on any of them to answer before she carried on. “This little virgin is so absolutely disgusting; she spent our entire four years on campus not able to attract one single guy.”

“Oh, you mean like the guys you lied to so they wouldn’t go out with me. Like the one you told I had herpes, even though I don’t. Or the one you made sure that he stayed away from me? Those guys you mean?” I sneered at her, my hand firmly in Daniel’s back pocket now. “Because that’s the real problem, Amanda. You. You hate me so much that you made it your mission to destroy me. Well, it didn’t work, dearie.”

I looked at the guys and saw they were all supportive of me. Their eyes, when they were on me were full of admiration, while they were only filled with disgust when they looked at Amanda.

“Come on, fellas, you can’t want a girl like her?” She looked me over, a bit surprised at my outfit, but she put on a sneer anyway. “Even in that dress, she doesn’t measure up to me?”

She walked close to Michael, her lips inches from his jawline as her fingers played on his solar plexus. “Don’t you want a real woman, Michael? One that knows how to get a man off?”

“Oh, you mean like you?” he asked, his lip curled in a grimace. “One that every guy on campus has had a time or two? Why would we want that, when we have her? That was probably the best thing you ever did in your life, being so careless that you lost your phone again.”

“So, it was you that found my phone!” Amanda whirled back to me, her face a mask of rage. “I knew it was, and when I couldn’t get the guys on WhatsApp, I suspected it was you.”

“Why are you here, Amanda?” Adam asked, his face bordering on cruel as he looked at her. “We were never going to give you what you wanted, you know? You showed us what you were, a long time ago, and you let yourself believe you weren’t setting yourself up for a fall. Nicolette did us a favor when she started texting us. She brought us what we really wanted. Someone that wanted only us. Not our money, or our name, or bragging rights, but us. She could go on to fuck the entire US male population, and some of the women if she wanted to, but she will do it because she wants. Not to get some benefit out of it that will help her career or the goals she’s set in her life.”

Amanda’s face twisted in confusion as if she didn’t understand why Adam was talking to her like that. “I don’t understand.”

That was obvious, but she needed it spelled out in terms she would understand. I walked up to her, my lips close to her jaw with my fingers on her shoulder, to mimic how she’d touched Michael, and punctuated each word I said with my grin. “You… got… played. It’s that simple. You fucked me over. I fucked you over. And these guys? They played you. You’re the fool, Amanda. Not me.”

I stepped back before she could slap me and laughed when she almost fell over. She had a neon pink tank dress that highlighted the fake tan she’d applied unevenly. Her blond hair looked as though it had recently had a near-death experience with a bottle of hair dye, and her makeup was melting in the heat. She didn’t look her best.

“I can’t believe that,” she gasped once she’d righted herself on her bright pink stilettoes. “You boys wouldn’t do that to me. All the guys at school want to fuck me, and you guys were hot for it until this bitch came along.”

“This bitch is now our girlfriend, so please don’t say a fucking word about her anymore,” Tristan spit at her, his face filled with anger. “Ever, Amanda, and I’m serious.”

Tags: Stephanie Brother Accidental Stepbrother Erotic