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Sara wasn’t my first girlfriend, but I still wore a goofy smile every time I thought about her.

“Hey, come on! Don’t ignore us when we’re right here. Did you two make up or not?”

Casey, my roommate, snickered. “Oh, he definitely had plenty of fun ‘making up’ with his girlfriend.”

I reached my hand out to smack him, but he ducked away with a laugh, the other guys joining him in making fun of me. I rolled my eyes before I gave them a look full of disdain.

“You guys are all just jealous of me.”

They jeered at me, but then grew curious.

“Seriously, though, who is this girl? Are you going to introduce us?”

“She’s really hot,” Casey said, his brown eyes mischievous. “I saw them together a few times; I think she’s a freshman? You know what Noah is like, though, he won't actually introduce her to any of us if he can help it. I was right in the fucking room, and he just made me leave…”

“Probably since they were about to get busy,” someone else teased.

They broke into laughter once more, but I could only roll my eyes again and ignore them. My phone vibrated in my hand, another text from Sara.

“Hey, are we all still meeting up on Friday? Surely, you don’t want to miss that game? ”

I looked up as murmurs of agreement rose around me.

“Um, I can't be there. I’ve got plans on Friday.”

Now that we were officially together, I wanted to take Sara out on a date that wasn’t either in the library or in one of our rooms, hopefully off the campus. I didn’t have much to spend, but I figured a movie and dinner out would be okay, then I could follow her back to her room and spend the night.

The guys weren’t surprised that I wouldn’t be there. I got a few eye rolls and catcalls, but they didn’t hold it against me. I wasn’t much interested in sports, to begin with, not enough to give up a date with Sara to watch one when I could catch the rerun, or find a recap of the game online. Besides, none of the teams I liked were playing this Friday, anyway.

My phone vibrated with another message, and I swiped the screen in anticipation, only for my mood to immediately dive when I saw it was a text from Dad.

I didn’t read it, just removed the notification and put my phone away to finish my sandwich.

There was one thing that still bothered me, and it was this. I hadn't told Sara the whole truth about Dad. I’d wanted to, especially when she’d just started talking to me again, and I should have. Just remembering the look on her face when she asked me if Dad was really in love with her mom made me feel guilty because I knew he wasn’t, even if he’d never said as much. He was only with Tina for the money and didn’t even plan on staying with her once he got what he wanted.

I still had hope that he would change his mind and choose to do the right thing, but I knew it was wishful thinking. I’d tried talking him out of it a few times, but he was definitely determined to do this. All he kept telling me was that I wouldn’t have to worry about my tuition, but that only made me feel worse because he was using me partially as an excuse for what he planned to do.

Sara needed to know.

I knew it, but I felt so sorry that I couldn’t bring myself even to start the conversation. It was easy to see how much she loved her mother. If I told her Dad planned on hurting her mom, would she forgive me for it?

Still, she’ll find out eventually, and it’ll be worse if she realizes I knew and just didn’t say anything.

She would view it as a betrayal. I’d wanted to drown myself in bliss for a little while, and I got what I wanted. It was time to come clean.

“Do you want to meet up after classes?” I texted her.

A reply came quickly in agreement. I finished up for lunch, before going to my afternoon class. I only had the one, while Sara had two, so I’d have to wait for her for a while before she was ready.

Later, after class had been over for more than an hour and I was lounging in my room, I finally got a message from Sara. She was out of class now. I messaged her back to head for her room, and I’d meet her there, jumping off the bed so fast, I surprised Casey.

“Dude! Where’s the fire?”

“I’m heading out!” I said, ignoring his curious look as I got my wallet and hurriedly left the room.

I fast walked my way over. I wanted to run but wanted to give her time to arrive there first. I still ended up waiting for her outside her door because I got there so fast. When she arrived and saw me waiting for her, a wide smile spread on her face, and it made my chest ache.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Accidental Stepbrother Erotic