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I felt even worse than before. “I was the one that refused to listen to you.”

So, what if Noah is my stepbrother?

I didn’t think it really mattered. People would talk, but only if they ever found out about our parents being married. As far as the people at school were concerned, none of it was their business, to begin with. I was a little worried about Mom. What if she wasn’t happy with me when she found out about my relationship with Noah? But, if I was willing to let her be happy, she could do the same for me, couldn’t she?”

“Wait,” I said, suddenly realizing something. “You stopped with Sext Me because he was going to give you your money back, so if it all goes into his venture…”

I still felt a little uneasy about his dad borrowing money from my mom when they hadn't been married that long, but if he didn’t get the money, Noah’s tuition wouldn’t get paid. I wouldn’t be okay with Noah sleeping with other people to pay his tuition. I wouldn’t mind lending him the money, but even if I could get my hands on all the funds he needed, would he really take it? He looked so ashamed of his dad borrowing money from my mom; I didn’t think he would accept it.

Noah saw my worried expression and cupped my face between his hands. He gave me a quick kiss before pulling back to meet my gaze, expression serious.

“Sara, you don’t even have to worry about that. I swear I haven’t started it up again after you, and I don’t plan on it, either. Have a little faith in me, okay? It might be a little difficult, but I can work with the remaining funds. I already made some payments, and I’m okay until we have to start doing tests. I can't do those with a tuition balance.”

Immediately, I was worried. It had been long enough into the semester; it would be time for exams soon. There was no way to get so much money in such a short time if he had to go back to the part-time job he’d quit. Could he borrow a loan? But if it was possible, then he must have tried already, instead of looking for a part-time job and even exchanging sex for money.

“How much do you need?” I asked, thinking.

I couldn’t access my trust fund until I came of age. I got something like a monthly allowance in my bank account at the start of every month, whether the balance was empty or not. I didn’t always use it up, so I had plenty. School was paid for as well, so I didn’t have to worry about it. Getting my hands on large amounts of money, though. That would be tough.

Taking a loan would be easy for me, though. My monthly allowance wasn’t small, to begin with, and now that I’d officially started college, it was even higher. I didn’t know how it was set up, but I’d started receiving them the moment I turned eighteen, and I was still in high school then.

“No fucking way,” Noah said, voice hard as if he knew what I was thinking. “There’s no way I’m taking money from you, Sara.”

I pouted at him. “But it’ll solve everything, won't it? Besides, I won't have my man sleeping with other women for money. I get jealous, you know.”

His expression remained hard for a second, but it cracked. His eyebrows jumped up, lips curving into a smile as he wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

“So, I’m your man now, hmm?” He teased. “When did that happen?”

“Do you mind?” I asked tentatively.

He chuckled, giving me a quick peck. “Of course, I don’t mind, Sara.”

I relaxed in his arms, smiling back at him happily. “Good. It’s official now. We’re together.”

Noah sighed and hugged me to his chest, burying his face in my hair.

“I like that,” he admitted. “Very much.”

The situation hadn't been resolved yet, but for the moment, I pushed them aside and closed my eyes as I leaned into his warmth.Chapter Nineteen


A few days passed, and each day only grew better. Sara was back in my life. Our previous relationship had resumed as if we’d never stopped, and I couldn’t be happier. Only, it was even better now, because I knew now that as crazy I was about Sara, she felt the same way about me.

We were officially dating now.

“Look at you, being so happy. You and your girlfriend finally made up, huh?”

I was seated outside with some friends having sandwiches for lunch. I ignored their teasing as I typed a reply to a text Sara sent me, She was eating with her friends as well. Still, I couldn’t help feeling smug, because while I would have had to correct them before, now it was true that I’d made up with my girlfriend.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Accidental Stepbrother Erotic