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“Yeah, why is that?”

“Because you scored tonight.”

There was a smile in his voice. “I did. And tomorrow’s an off day. I’ll be at your place when you get home from work.”

“I can’t wait.”

“Neither can I. Now get some rest. You’re gonna need it.”Killian’s Jeep was parked outside my apartment, so I knew he was here already. A tingle of awareness spread through my body when I opened the front door and took in the faint hint of his leather and cologne scent.

He was waiting for me in the kitchen, which aroused me more than the thought of him waiting for me in the bedroom. I walked around the corner and was greeted by the sight of his broad shoulders. A gray T-shirt was spread taut by the muscular lines of his back. He was chopping something at the island.

“Hey,” he said, turning to smile at me over his shoulder.

The boyish grin reminded me how much I’d missed him. I walked over and wrapped my arms around him from behind, pressing my cheek to his back.

“Hey,” I said, my desire for him temporarily overridden by a sense of contentment.

“I’m making steak salads for dinner.”

I peeked around his arm and saw that he was slicing avocado. The fresh scent of the vegetables and the savory smell of the steak made my stomach rumble with approval. I’d only had a doughnut for lunch.

When I leaned up to kiss him, his lips lingered against mine.

“How are you feeling?” he murmured.

“Amazing, now that you’re here.”

“Actually, I was referring to how you were feeling about that email situation. Have you heard anything more from that douchebag?”

“No, I haven’t heard a thing. After talking with you though, I feel much stronger about the whole thing. Let him do his worst. I’ll be ready for him.”

“That’s my girl.” Then, changing the topic he said, “Listen, we don’t have to do anything new and adventurous tonight if you’d rather wait, babe. I know you’re good for your promises.”

“Wait? No, I don’t want to wait. I’m ready now. I mean, we can eat first, but . . . let’s make it quick.”

He smiled and kissed me again.

“Your cheeks are flushed,” he said. “Are you embarrassed or turned on?”

“Turned on.”

He made a low, satisfied sound and turned back to his dinner preparations. I got out the dishes, poured some wine and helped him get our meal on the table in record time.

Nervous anticipation had kept me up late last night, and today’s workday had dragged on. With every decision I’d made at the office, I’d relished the idea of relinquishing control to Killian tonight.

He was eating slowly, his expression of amusement making it clear he was deliberately stalling. I was finished eating within ten minutes, and then I talked with him about hockey, the national news and the perks of vacationing in Ireland before finally jumping up from the table.

“Stop torturing me,” I said, clearing the dishes away from the table. “Aren’t you dying for this? Or is it just me?”

His eyes were bright as he studied me. “Oh, I’m dying for it too, Sid. Even more so after watching you all flushed and fidgety for the past hour.”

“Well, when?” I asked in an impatient tone. “Now?”

“When what?” he asked, feigning innocence.

I glared at him. “You know what.”

“If you want it, you better say it, baby.”

My body was screaming for me to say whatever it took to get what I needed. “When are you going to fuck me?”

He leaned against the kitchen counter, still looking way too pleased with himself. “When am I going to fuck you where?”

“In my ass,” I said, never having envisioned myself wanting it, much less begging for it in the middle of my own kitchen.

“Ah.” He reached around and slid a hand up the bottom of my skirt, squeezing one cheek roughly and then running his finger beneath my panties and down the crack of my ass.

“Here? You want me here?” he asked.


“Right now?”

“Killian,” I whimpered. “Yes.”

He took my jaw between his thumb and forefinger, giving me a serious gaze. “You tell me when I need to stop. I’m gonna smack your ass and it’ll sting. And it’s gonna hurt when I fuck you there. I’ll go slow, but tell me you’ll say so if I need to stop. If you’re not turned on, it’s not working. Okay?”

I nodded, his words igniting a fire between my thighs.

“Go to the bedroom and get undressed. Get on your hands and knees on the bed and wait for me.”

I swallowed hard and turned for the bedroom, dying to get my clothes off. Normally I’d hang my suit up when I changed, but tonight I left it on the floor with my bra and panties on top and then climbed on top of my bed.

The anticipation was brutal and sweet at the same time. I’d never been so aroused than I was with my ass in the air, waiting for Killian to come into my bedroom.

Tags: Brenda Rothert On the Line Romance