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He didn’t prolong my agony. I heard his footsteps, followed by the rustle of his clothes coming off.

“Exquisite as always,” he murmured. “Get down on your elbows and scoot your knees to the end of the bed.”

I did as he commanded, feeling his body heat near me at the foot of the bed. His hands were on me then, caressing my back and breasts, rubbing my neck. His soft touch relaxed me, building my arousal at a slow, steady pace.

The warm feel of his breath on my ass made me shiver. He kissed, licked and nipped me there, setting my body on fire. I was rolling my hips, eager for contact with his mouth.

“So perfect,” he said in a low tone. Then I felt a rush of air before his palm made contact with my ass.

The sting was delicious. I arched my back and moaned, hoping another slap was close behind.

“You like that?” he asked. “You like me being rough with you?”

“Yes.” I pulled on the fistfuls of my comforter in my hands, crying out with pleasure when he delivered several more hard slaps.

“You’re ready,” he finally said. I heard something that sounded like a cap being flipped open, and then his fingers smoothed cool gel onto me.

He eased the head of his cock in first and I gritted my teeth, the sensations of pleasure and pain at war inside me. He rubbed my shoulder reassuringly and I forced my body to relax.

When he slid in further, his long, guttural groan of pleasure made me feel powerful. I pushed my hips back, silently asking for more.

“Damn, baby, you’re making it hard to go slow,” he said. “Hold still.”

I moaned and pushed my hips back harder.

“Ah, Christ,” he said. “You vixen. You want it?”

“Yes,” I whimpered, the fullness of him inside me feeding my arousal.

He pumped his hips against me slowly, his hands locked around my hips. I rocked back against him and we built a rhythm that got deeper and stronger.

With every thrust, he grunted. I knew he could finish anytime he wanted. But this was our first time, and I wanted to savor it as long as I could.

I turned my face around to look at him. His expression was twisted in ecstasy.

“I love you, Sid,” he said softly.

Seeing him so overcome nearly sent me over the edge. I reached between my legs to touch myself, but he pulled my arm back, trapping it behind my back. His other arm pulled back on my shoulder and he raised me until I was on my knees, my back to his chest.

Wrapping an arm around my waist, he thrust himself deep inside me, circling my clit with his fingers at the same time. I came with a powerful scream, the sensation almost unbearably intense.

He eased out of me slowly and lay down, pulling me into his arms. We stayed like that for a couple minutes, neither of us saying a word. I’d never realized hot, dirty sex could be the most emotionally satisfying. With Killian, it definitely was.

“You’re completely mine now,” he said, stroking a hand over my hair.

I smiled, knowing that had happened a long time ago.Killian

I walked into the Flyers’ owner’s box a week later, the flash of Sidney’s dark red hair spilling over her shoulders making my breath catch. Days apart from her felt like weeks to me.

“Your man’s here, Sid,” Keri said. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. I just remembered something.” And with that she was gone. Apart from all her other skills, Keri’s privacy radar was super sensitive.

Sid stood and turned, flying into my arms. I kissed her several times before either of us said a word.

“Sorry it took me so long to get here,” I said.

“The puck hasn’t dropped yet, so you’re good.” She patted the club chair next to the one she’d been sitting in. “Dinner’s on the way.”

“Look at all that blue,” I said, scanning the crowded arena seats. “The guys have to be so pumped right now.”

If the Flyers won tonight, they’d secure a spot in the playoffs for the first time in eight years. My excitement made it impossible to sit down. I wanted this for them so badly. It was bittersweet that I wasn’t the one leading them onto the ice tonight, but I was so damn proud of Bennett, the new team captain.

Sid stood at the glass, looking out over the ice. Her excitement was palpable. She’d pulled off something rare in a single season—infusing a team with hope and a shot at glory. I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind.

“I don’t think I can sit down,” she said. “I’ll jump out of the chair if I do.”

“Me either.”

She turned, her eyes wide with excitement. “So, did you bring pictures? Please say you did.”

“Damn, I forgot.”

Tags: Brenda Rothert On the Line Romance