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Out Takes Diner.

Great. Exactly where I want to eat. Another diner.

Although I’m starving and I should be happy to be fed, I thought he was gonna drop me off and say good luck. So, the fact that we’re getting off the bike to eat is fantastic. Not quite sure what time it is, but if the heat coming through his leather jacket is any indication, I would say we’re getting near noon. Hopping to the pavement, I jerk the helmet off and toss it to him.

“Hold on a second.” He grabs my arm before I can march into the place.

“What?” I ask, my voice sharp. If he says anything mean right now, I may get violent with him. He looks at me as if judging to see how I’ll react.

“Don’t make a scene,” he says under his voice, taking my hand. As he opens the door, I almost sigh as the cool air hits my hot face.

“I need the restroom.” But he still holds on to me as he nods at some blonde who waves back but doesn’t look thrilled to see us. The place is pretty busy for being noonish. The diner I quit from was dead as soon as breakfast was over.

He pulls me over to a table that has a poster of Breakfast of Tiffany’s. Each table seems to have a movie theme.

I like it: clever and fun. The walls are eggshell white, and I sink into the black booth, glaring at him as he scoots in on the other side.

“I need to use the restroom,” I hiss, stopping as the blonde walks up.

She’s dressed in tight white jeans and a low-cut T-shirt that has Out Takes written on the boobs. I almost sulk at her breasts. They’re huge.

“Axel.” She nods then looks at me. Suddenly I’m uncomfortable. She is 100 percent checking me out. God, did he fuck her? Is that why she’s not even trying to hide her staring?

“Cindy.” He reaches to take the menus from her and hands one to me.

“Get Charlie. I need to talk to her.” He reclines so that his back is to the window.

“She’s busy. How can I help?” She smiles, her boobs jiggling.

Before he can say anything else, she turns to me and holds out her hand. “I’m Cindy.” Her nails are a pretty shade of pink with not a chip on them. She’s also wearing heeled boots. Her makeup is perfect, and she smells like an exotic flower.

Holy God. He did fuck her. Why else would she be introducing herself to me?

“I’m Candy.” I flash her a phony smile that only causes her glossed-up pink lips to smirk.

“Stop it,” Axel grumbles. “This is Antoinette. Go get Charlie.”

She sighs dramatically and smiles over at another booth where two men in suits are seated. “I’ll tell her, but can I take your order, sir?”

“Christ, really Cindy?” He stares at her, and it’s not friendly. She stares back the same way.

Does everyone hate him? I have a quick moment of compassion for him. I get that all the time and it hurts.

“What can I get for you two?”

He sighs. “Two coffees, two egg-and-spinach omelets, and some fruit.” He looks at me. “And a bagel with the homemade jam.” And there goes my feeling sorry for him. I didn’t even get to look at the menu.

“No bacon?” She smiles again at him.

“Yeah add bacon. And a side of avocado, and Cindy? I’m not kidding. Get me Charlie.” She rolls her eyes.

“Where’s your restroom?” She stops and smiles at me, and it’s not a jealous smile. If anything, it’s almost like she’s excited, as if she has a huge secret that she’s dying to tell.

“It’s over at the front. Follow me.”

Not looking at him, I slide out and follow her. My hand goes to check my hair, and I wish I hadn’t. That helmet did a number on my locks and my fingers are stuck in the mess it left behind.

“So… Antoinette is it?”

“Yes.” I hold my shoulders back as she turns to look at me. I should have taken off Axel’s jacket.

“I’m fascinated. How long have you been with Axel?”

Suddenly she’s got her hand on my arm, guiding me to a corner. What the hell is wrong with everyone?

“Look. We don’t have much time.”

She glances around like we’re being watched. We’re stuck in a dark corner. Who’s watching us?

“I’m dying. How old are you and where did he find you? I mean you are not the usual type.” Her eyes go up and down my body. I go to answer, then shut my mouth because she’s talking again.

“Holy fuck. This is Axel we’re talking about. Axel.” She hasn’t let go of my arm and her nails are digging into my skin despite the thick leather.

“Look. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not with him. I’m a dancer he’s helping out. And as soon as someone named Edge or Derrick comes back, I’ll be gone.”

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic