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I walk around her. Swinging the door open to the restroom, I run into a stall and lock myself in. I grab a seat cover and have to peel my leggings down. They’re a disaster—covered in his semen and sticking to me.

God, I’m a mess. I clean myself up with toilet paper and decide that I need to text Crystal and beg her to let me start dancing tonight. Because I can’t stay with Axel.

When I open the stall door, there’s Cindy waiting for me, her arms crossed, leaning on the counter.

“Look.” She holds up a hand. “I’m sorry. You don’t know me. I was just surprised to see someone with Axel.”

I sigh. Everything is out of control, and talking to girls who might be interested in Axel is not my top priority. I move to wash my hands.

“I suppose you want to know how big his cock is? So, here it is.” I motion with my hands to indicate his length, splattering both of us with water. She looks at my hands then wipes her face, biting her lip so as not to laugh.

“Um. Well, I’m glad to know the rumors are true. But that’s not why I’m in here.” She turns to look at herself in the mirror, brushing a few more droplets off her cheeks.

Perfect. I’m sure she thinks I’m crazy, but in my defense, who does this to a stranger?

“I… I thought for sure that’s what you wanted to know… Oh God.” I lean my hands against the sink area.

“I know.” She shakes her head.

“I need to make a call. Can you excuse me?”

“Sure.” Her eyes are too kind and understanding for my taste. I move around her so that I can go back to Axel. Amazingly, I’d rather be around him.

As I turn the corner and head toward the table, a tall, thin woman looks to be arguing with Axel.

“Great.” My head pounds. As I get closer, they both turn to look at me. She’s beautiful, with wavy dark hair that hangs down to her butt, but it’s her golden eyes that make her so striking. Remaining silent, I slip into the booth and shimmy out of his jacket, causing the dark beauty to cock her head at Axel.

“Antoinette, this is Charlie. She owns the diner and she’s your new boss. You can start tomorrow.” A busboy walks up with our food, setting a plate in front of us.

“What?” I croak

She sighs and pinches the top of her nose.

“Axel, I swear to God.” She drops her hand and slides in next to him, crossing her hands.

“I don’t understand.” And I don’t. Right when I’m about to text Crystal, Axel decides to get me a waitress job? Not that there’s anything wrong with waitressing besides the fact that I can’t support myself waiting tables.

She holds up her hand to stop Axel from speaking. She seems calm, rather professional. I like her.

“I need to know that you’re serious. I have a full staff, but as Axel is… family”—she looks over and smiles at him—“I would be happy to have you.”

I reach for my coffee and take a sip. It’s actually good. For a diner.

“Thanks, but I’m a dancer.” I look at my breakfast and feel my stomach grumble.

“I’m confused. Axel?” She turns to look at him.

“She’ll start tomorrow.” He doesn’t even look up and keeps eating as he texts on two phones.

“Right.” She stands and looks at me. “Welcome. Hopefully you’ll be happy here.” It’s strained as if she’s being made to do this and I guess she is. God, this is all-around humiliating.

I look down at my plate. Let’s be honest. I can’t handle being a charity case. That’s worse than anything. It’s why I wanted the job at the Pussycat. Change my luck, make some money, dig myself out of this mess.

“Antoinette?” His voice brings me back to him, her, the diner.

“Sorry. Thank you, that’s so kind.” I smile at both of them because the one thing I got from my father is good manners and to say yes to everything. Not that it did him any good. If anything, it probably led to his downfall.

Cindy walks up with a menu and hands it to me. “I couldn’t help but overhear. Here’s a menu. You should memorize it tonight.” She looks over at Axel. “And if you need me to pick her up, give me a call.”

His eyes narrow and he smirks. “Thanks, Cindy. Ryder didn’t tell me you were so giving.”

“Oh my God. Axel, you dick—”

“Come on, Cindy. Stop engaging.” Charlie grabs her arm, dragging her away as she says something about calling Eve.

“You’re a popular guy,” I say.

Picking up my fork, I place my napkin on my lap and consider what to do. I guess if I truly want my luck to change, I need a job. Technically, I’m not allowed back at the Pussycat and this is a great place, so it’ll have to do.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic