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1TroyAs if I need this shit today. I have been away on a mission for the past three weeks. Apparently, life doesn’t stop moving because I had to make a ‘hunter’ disappear. Some asshole and his backwoods racist ass friends decided they wanted to turn hunting into a two-legged sport. Yes, you heard me right. They decided that hunting immigrants was more fun than wild boar. Dead bastards. I will spare you the gory details of my job. But after all that fuckery, I come home to find out that old Pastor Hanson died.

The thing is, I couldn't very well tell my mom I don’t give a shit. Enid Jorgensen might be pushing eighty, but she still rules the roost. She commands the hell out of everyone around her except for dad. For him, she goes mush. Besides, to tell her I don’t want to go means I will have to explain why. I will have to tell her that Pastor Hanson’s daughter Lisette, my high school sweetheart, the one who left without so much as a word, is the very reason I don’t want to go. I have always been able to act as if I was over it because she was no longer here. But let's get real. Her father just died. She will be at the funeral and I don’t know if I will be able to handle it. She is the reason I have not dated anyone in seven years. Mom knows about the relationship we had. But when she up and left, I feigned nonchalance and carried on.

No one knows how my heart shattered into teeny, tiny pieces and how hard it was for me to not lose myself in the pain. Which is why I cannot wait to be out of this damn church. The moment I walked in, I knew she was here. I could feel her down the very core of me. My veins recognize their drug of choice and I need to leave before I find her and O.D.

“You alright son?” My mom pats my hand as she asks.

“Yes, Mama. I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

“Your legs haven’t stopped bouncing since you sat down.”

I look down and realize she is right. See? A motherfucking junkie for those soulful, doe eyes. I place my hand on my leg to stop the movement and try to listen as Bill finishes up. As soon as the word ‘Amen’ leaves his mouth I am up and out of the pews headed toward the door. I just have to keep my head down and make it to the parking lot.

I am almost there when I hear “Thank you so much” behind me. Instantly my feet stop moving and my body lights up like a live wire. It knows that voice. My blood used to pump from the beat of her own heart. My cock used to salute to the very proximity of the owner of that voice. Feeling it stiffen between my legs right now, I’d say it still does.

No longer able to deny it, I turn and my breath catches. Fucking mercy. She is even more beautiful than she was seven years ago. I didn’t think it possible. Though some things about her have changed. Like the fact that her tits are at least 2 cup sizes bigger. I momentarily remember how I used to worship her breasts. Over and over again, even before we had taken each other's virginity. I note that her hips are wider but still sexy as hell. And that ass. Before, it was a great ass to kiss and bite before I stuffed my whole rod into her tight-ass pussy. Now though, I could bounce a quarter off that ass it's so rotund.

Rubbing my hands down my face, I try to contain myself. Don’t want to give Enid a reason to go upside my head. I shudder thinking about it. Everyone knows, you upset my mom, my dad gets pissed. He doesn’t like anyone upsetting his woman. I am about to turn around and walk away, so I can go home and whack-off in peace, when she sees me.

“Troy? Is that really you?” Fuck! Why does she have to say my name like I’m 10 inches deep inside her? Which is exactly where I want to be.

“How are you, Lisette? Sorry for your loss." There. Hopefully, I sound calmer than I feel.

“Pretty good, considering. I was hoping I would run into you. I obviously have to deal with this. But tomorrow, can we talk?”

My entire body is doing a praise dance. Except for my head. My mind is telling me to walk the fuck away and keep going. It’s served me right this far.

“I don’t see what there is to discuss. Look, I have to go. Sorry about your dad. Wish you the best.”

Tags: ChaShiree M, M.K. Moore Romance