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Max tenses and grips my hand tighter, drawing me in closer to him. “What the hell do you want?”

Sheldon lifts up his hands. “I’m not here to fight, son. I’m only here to congratulate you. You did amazing out on the water today.” If I didn’t know any better, it almost looks as if he’s sad. He doesn’t have the arrogant demeanor about him like he had a year ago. After the regatta, Max wanted nothing to do with him. Sheldon and his wife weren’t even invited to our wedding.

“Thanks,” Max says impatiently. “If you don’t mind, I have other people I need to talk to right now.”

Sheldon places a hand on Max’s arm, and for a second, it looks as if Max is about to punch him. I squeeze his hand, hoping he keeps his calm. Sheldon glances down at me and sighs. “I owe you an apology, London. I’m sorry for the things I said about you. It was wrong.”

Max scoffs. “What about your bitch of a wife? She needs to be here apologizing too.”

Sheldon shakes his head. “We’re done, son. I filed for a divorce a month ago. She’s not a part of my life anymore. I just hate it took me so long to see how wrong I’ve been. I just hope one day you can forgive me.”

Max’s shoulders slowly relax, and he looks around the restaurant. There are people watching us curiously. It’s not a secret that Max and his father have been on the outs for a while. After last year’s regatta, it was all over the headlines.

Sheldon holds out a hand and Max stares at it for a second before taking it. “I don’t know what to say,” Max says as he shakes his hand.

Tears form in Sheldon’s eyes. “Say you can forgive me. That’s all I want.”

Max lets his hand go. “It’s London’s forgiveness you need, not mine.”

Sheldon looks to me and I can see the pain in his eyes. People do change, I firmly believe that. I can’t deny Max the chance to reconcile with his father. “It’s okay,” I say. “All is forgiven.”

Max stands protectively next to me, his hard gaze on his father. “But I’m warning you, Dad. If you so much as hurt my wife again, we’re done.”

Sheldon agrees with a nod. “I won’t, son. I promise you that.”

Max releases a heavy sigh. “Good. Then stay put, I have something to say.” He drags me to the center of the room and picks up a glass and spoon from one of the tables. He taps it to get everyone’s attention. “Can I have your attention, please,” he calls out. The rooms goes quiet and everyone looks at us. Max drapes his arm over my shoulders and rubs my arm soothingly. I’m not the type who likes to be the center of attention and he knows it. “I want to thank you all for coming tonight,” he announces. “I’m glad my crew and I get to celebrate with some of our closest family and friends. It means the world to us that you’re here.” He smiles at me and then focuses back on the crowd. “It seems that there’s another reason for us to celebrate tonight.”

I happen to look over at my parents and Kitty and their eyes widen in surprise. I’m pretty sure they know what Max is about to say.

“We’re going to have a baby!” he shouts.

Everyone in the room hollers with joy. Kitty rushes down to us, followed by my mother who has tears flowing down her cheeks. “Oh my God,” Kitty cries. “How long have you known?”

I grin at her sheepishly. “Several weeks.”

My mother hugs me again. “Oh, honey, this is fantastic. I’m so happy for you.”

Once they’re done kissing all over him and after everyone shakes his hand to congratulate him on fatherhood, he steals me away and we head outside to get some fresh air and some much-needed alone time. We walk down to his boat and climb aboard. The stars are so bright, and the moon is full, making the ocean glow with its light.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin The Dating Romance