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“Six,” I answer.

She snorts. “And I know they’re much happier here. They talk about how amazing you and Max are all the time.”

That makes me feel good. I have accomplished exactly what I wanted. I don’t wish for any business to fail, but the yacht club messed up by only allowing certain people access. Not to mention, management treated the employees like shit. It’s one of the things I was going to change if I became manager. With my staff, I can treat them the way they deserve to be treated…with respect.

Max pulls into the dock and so many people rush up to help him and Jason, and Jason’s younger brother, Alex, tie up the boat. Taking Kim’s hand, I pull her toward the door. “Come on.” It’s been an amazing day for so many reasons. I feel like I can barely contain the excitement.

Max shakes hands and hugs a few people here and there, but when he sees me, he runs up the dock and I jump into his arms. He swings me around and sets me down quickly, his lips on mine. Cameras flash all around us. Max winks at me and waves at all the reporters and all the people crowding around in the parking lot.

“Thank you for joining us tonight. If you don’t have a reservation, we still have room on the patio. As a backup, we hired some extra help tonight in case I won. They should be here shortly. We don’t want anyone being unable to celebrate with us tonight.”

The crowd bursts out laughing and more cameras flash. Max wraps his arm around my waist, and we walk up the stairs to the restaurant patio. “This is going to be a good night.”

“Yes, it is,” I agree. “My parents will be arriving soon and so will your mother and Mark.” My parents love Max and I’ve gotten really close to his mother. She keeps asking when we’ll give her grandchildren. Little does she know I already have a little Max in my belly, or maybe even a little London. We don’t know which one yet. Today marks the end of the first trimester. We’ve been waiting to tell people until after I hit this milestone, just to be on the safe side. I remember the morning I took the pregnancy test. I’ve never seen Max so excited. He waited by the bathroom door and we both looked at the test together. When it came up positive, he ran around the house and we both cried with joy. He’s going to be an amazing father.

We walk inside and our staff gets everyone to their tables, with ours being in my favorite corner with the best view of the water. Derek knows exactly what we want and gets our food and drinks out to us. The pregnancy has made me super nauseous at times, but tonight, our chef made his famous chocolate cake. Nothing is going to keep me from eating it.

A lot of people walk by our table to congratulate Max and he enjoys every minute of it. Once we’re done with dinner, Derek brings out my cake and I eat every crumb of it. Max chuckles under his breath when I wipe the chocolate from my lips. “Damn, that was sexy, babe. You should’ve saved some cake for later.”

I wink. “I’m sure I can get us another piece. I’ll eat it off of you.”

“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” he teases.

“There they are,” my mother squeals. She rushes over to us and Max stands to pull her into a hug.

My dad hugs me and kisses my cheek. “I’m so happy for you and Max, sweetheart.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

He lets me go and my mother takes his place, her grip tight as she hugs me. “Oh, honey, this has been amazing. You should hear all the great things everyone is saying about this place.”

“If it wasn’t for London, this restaurant wouldn’t be what it is,” Max tells her. “I owe all the success to her.” My mother lets me go and Max takes my hand, kissing it when he lifts it to his lips. Kitty and Mark walk in the door and his smile widens. “I think it’s time I make an announcement now that our families are here. What do you think?”

My parents look at me with curious stares, but I shake my head. “You’ll find out soon,” I say to them. “For now, just sit down and relax. Dinner’s on the house tonight.”

Max squeezes my hand and pulls me toward the middle of the floor. Kitty and Mark wave at us and we wave back. I know it’s killed Max not being able to tell people our great news. Before we can get to the podium, someone steps in our way. I didn’t see him come into the restaurant, but standing right in front of us is none other than his father, Sheldon Richmond.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin The Dating Romance