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Mom looks baffled for all of three seconds before she pulls herself back to today. “Okay, let's rewind a little and go back to someone slipping something in your drink. What are you talking about? This is the first I’m hearing about it.”

“It’s fine,” I insist, averting my eyes as I struggle to meet hers. “It was handled and I slept it off, but then all the Charles stuff happened and I guess I forgot to mention it again.”

“Oh, honey,” she says with a heavy sigh, reaching across the table and giving my hand a firm squeeze. “I wish you would have told me about this. Perhaps Colton can get one of his security guys to go back through the surveillance tapes and find out who spiked your drink. One less predator around here, the better.”

“I, uhh…”

“Of course,” Colton says. “I'll have them look into it first thing in the morning.”

Mom gives him a dazzling smile as though he holds all the answers to the world's problems in his hands, though if you ask me, all the answers lie deep in his pockets among the bucket loads of cash. One thing is for sure, she never gave her approval to any of my Widows like that.

We carry on with dinner and every few bites or so, mom glances up and watches me with concern all over her face. It isn’t until a text comes through on her phone that the silence breaks.

Colton and I watch as she glances over the text. “Oh,” she laughs, completely taken by the message as her cheeks flush the brightest shade of pink.

“Who’s that?” I question, watching her with curiosity as she tries to pretend that nothing happened.

She slips her phone off the table, allowing it to drop onto her lap, knowing damn well that I’m not above swan diving across our dinner plates and wrestling the phone out of her hand. Who cares about the mess and spilled drinks. When there’s information to be found, I'm going to get it one way or another.

“Mom,” I warn.

She lets out a frustrated sigh, knowing me better than I know myself. “Fine,” she grumbles. “It’s Roman Jennings.”

My mouth drops. “As in Hendrix’s dad? The rich sugar daddy from the Gatsby party?”

Mom rolls her eyes. “Oh, don’t pretend that you don’t know. You and Hendrix have been plotting ever since you saw us dance at the party.”

A grin tears across my face and I watch out of the corner of my eye as Colton conceals a smirk and shakes his head. “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.”

Mom sighs and leans back in her chair, deciding to make this conversation about my little white lies rather than the actual topic of her possibly being interested in another man apart from my father. “Out with it, Ocean,” Mom says.

My lips press into a tight line and I find myself sitting up a little straighter in my seat. “You know he’s completely smitten by you?”

“How would you know?” she scoffs. “Have you ever met the man?”

“Well, no … but I’ve met Hendrix and for some weird reason, I trust her instincts on this. She said that she’s never seen her dad like this before. Surely that must mean something? She thinks you’ll make a great couple and I’m inclined to agree with her.”

Mom fumbles over her words before stuttering out a ‘no’ and shaking her head. “It’s way too soon. Your father only passed eight months ago. I’m not even close to thinking about dating someone, especially a man like Roman Jennings. He’s so … successful. It would be very off-putting and intimidating.”

Colton scoffs under his breath. “Take it from me who’s looking at it from the other perspective,” he says, glancing at me with a slight cringe. “No offense, of course.” I roll my eyes and he glances back at mom. “Yes, he’s successful. He has a great business and from where I’m sitting, it’s only going to get bigger. Jennings is only a few years away from landing himself on one of the Forbes top ten under fifty lists, but just like me, he’s apprehensive about women and what they want from him. Every man in my position is, but you’re pure, Maria. You’re not the kind of woman who would date him for a step up in the world, you’re not interested in what he could give you and I think he sees that in you.” His eyes slice across the table to me. “It’s fucking rare and when you find it, you hold onto it with both hands. I can guarantee that if Roman thinks you’re something special, he won’t let you go. He'll wait until you’re ready.”

Mom watches Colton with tears glistening in her eyes. “I … I don’t know. It’s very soon after Lou died. I couldn't possibly entertain this idea. What would people think?”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Rejects Paradise Romance