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“Like you’re one to talk. I’ve seen your Rolex rotisserie hiding in your closet.”

A smirk pulls at his lips as he walks deeper into her room and grabs the papers off her desk. He instantly hands them over and I look down at them with a laugh. The page is titled ‘Ocean Takedown’ in pretty cursive writing with dot points the whole way down the sheet. “You’ve got to be kidding,” I grumble. “Your sisters need a hobby.”

Colton scoffs his agreement and drops down onto the edge of Cora’s bed as I read over their ridiculous little plans, knowing damn well that I have an epic response for each and every one of them. I find myself glancing up at Colton with a small frown. “You really don’t care that I’m practically at war with your sisters?”

He shakes his head. “My sisters are bitches and they’re very quickly turning into my mom. They need to be knocked down a few steps and realize that they can’t keep getting away with this behavior. One day, it’s going to get them in big fucking trouble that money isn’t going to get them out of. So, I figure it’s best to learn their lesson now rather than end up in a women’s prison in ten years.”

“And that I’m the one who’s going to teach them that lesson?”

He shrugs a shoulder. “I mean, if it’s going to bring a little excitement to your life, then I have no issue with it. I won't think twice about defending you to them because they can clearly see how I feel about you and they don't respect that. I'm not close to my mom or sisters. They’re bitches and I don’t want anything to do with them. If they're causing you hell, then go right ahead and throw it back at them, they deserve it. Besides, once they realize that they’re not going to get anything out of me, they’ll fuck off to wherever the hell they’ve been living and we can get back to focusing on us.”

I walk across the room and loop my arms around his neck. “That sounds really nice,” I whisper, looking over her room. “Now, how do you think Cora would feel about me sucking her big brother’s cock in her bed?”

His lips lift into an excited grin as his hands come to my waist and pull me in closer. “I think she’d absolutely hate it.”

I drop down to my knees and push his knees wide as my tongue runs along my bottom lip. “Perfect.”Chapter 12I sit at the dinner table on Tuesday night, across from Mom and Colton who are busily throwing around theme ideas for next month’s party and to be honest, I couldn't be less interested. Though I’m not going to lie, Colton coming here and eating dinner with us—instead of with his mom and sisters—gives me all sorts of thrills.

I love that in all this bullshit, he’s stuck by my side. It means the world to me and concretes the fact that what we are building between us is real. So fucking real.

I’m starting to see myself having a real future with him when only a few short weeks ago, I’d deny the fact that I had any future at all.

Moving to Bellevue Springs is quickly becoming one of the best things I’ve ever done. There’s a possibility that I might go to college, I’m all of a sudden saving money for a future, I have a boyfriend who cherishes and worships me as though I walk on water, and not to mention the incredible friends I’ve made along the way. It was certainly a bumpy start though, one that I’m more than happy to have moved on from.

Colton and I have had to do a lot of growing over the last two months, but we came out the other end so much better, stronger, and a hell of a lot happier. I wouldn’t change it for the world.

“You’re quiet over there,” my mother says, forking another mouthful of salad between her lips.

“Oh, I, umm … yeah. Sorry, just got things on my mind.”

Mom’s brow shoots right up. “Oh, really?” she questions. “Usually talk of elaborate parties is enough to get your mind whirling with great ideas.”

“Yeah,” I say, glancing at Colton. “I mean, while the parties are freaking cool and all that, every single one of them has ended in disaster for me, so I think I’m good. I might give this next one a skip.”

Mom blanches at me. “Okay, who are you and what have you done with my daughter?”

“I’m serious,” I tell her, fighting against the smirk on my lips. “The black and white party ended with me throwing drinks all over Colton and the boys, the masquerade ended with me … umm,” Fuck, I haven’t told her about this. “Well, I think someone slipped something in my drink.” She sucks in a sharp breath but I continue on. “The wake wasn’t really a party but that ended with Colton kicking Nic and the Widows out and the Gatsby party ended with Nic being Nic.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Rejects Paradise Romance