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“Definitely. He’s making me some herbal tea now. How are you?”

I groan. “You seen the reports?”

“Clean as a whistle as expected. I knew you didn’t do those things. I know you like to party, but you’ve never been a drug user.”

Well, I’ve smoked in my time but no need to go there. Besides it’s legal so it’s not a drug anymore. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

“Yeah, and I wouldn’t screw over my team by doping or pawning that shit off on my teammates. We win games with hard work, skill, and talent. Maybe even a dose of luck but never by shooting up poison.”

“I know, I told that very thing to the coach. He said he wasn’t so sure.”

“Really? He said that?”

“Mmm hmm. Got me mighty pissed off, and you don’t want to get me angry as you well know.”

“That I do. So, what’s the word you’ve heard around there?”

“Legal team is reviewing your contract and the parameters. The issue is image. The damage the scandal has done is being evaluated against the moral and ethical conduct clause in your contract. I assume you’d figured that out.”

“Yes, but I was set up! By some chick named Mindy. She doped me at a party, brought me to that room, and must have taken pics then sold them to the media. Which is why I called. Wanted to know if you’d heard the name before. Any of the guys seeing a woman by that name?”

“Mindy? Got a last name?”

I sigh heavily. “No, unfortunately not. Maybe you can ask around some of the guys and cheerleaders when you have your calls?” Trina would be checking in on all fifty players and the entire cheerleading team. The woman was like the team Mom and we were all her baby chicks.

“Well, it’s an uncommon name. I’ll definitely bring it up and keep my ear to the ground.”

“Thanks, Trina. I appreciate it.”

She coughs and attempts to clear her throat. It sounds super dry. Hair on the back of my neck rises and a slither of fear worms its way into my thoughts. “You sure you don’t have a fever?”

Trina groans. “Stop fretting. I’m fine. We’re closing in on April for goodness sake. They’re shaking those damn almond trees all over the state. It’s hell on my allergies. Farms don’t stop working just because the rest of us are holed up. They need to feed the people.”

“True. Just have Tom check you daily, yeah? For me? Just to be safe.”

She hums, but it sounds more like a disgruntled animal groan than anything else. “Fine. Fine. I’ll keep you posted if I hear anything through the rumor mill or any whispers down the line from legal. Keep a stiff upper lip, my dear. This will all work out in the wash.”

“I sure hope so. Playing ball is all I’ve ever wanted to do.”

“Perhaps you should consider this time to reflect and consider what you’d want to do after you retire from the game. Maybe put some time into other hobbies or interests.”

“Couldn’t hurt.” The idea about buying that bar my brother works for comes to mind.

What else would I want to do if I wasn’t in the game anymore? It’s hard to even fathom not being a part of football in some manner. I’ve got years before I’m obsolete as a running back, but if I leave the game, I want to do so on my terms. Not because some asshole set me up.

“Thanks for everything, Trina. I’ll think about it. Keep me posted on anything you hear.”

“Will do, sweetie. Take care.”

“You too.”

I end the call and pull up my brother’s contact information.

“Ev, how’s it hanging, brother!” Curt’s voice is a welcome sound that has me smiling where I sit.

“Staying inside. Avoiding the paps and this crazy virus. You?”

“Pretty much the same. Hey, got the wire of the five grand you sent. I normally wouldn’t accept, but…”

“You’re there helping take care of Dad.” I remind him of the very real fact that I haven’t been there to help support our old man physically in a long time.

“Me? Taking care of him? He’d lose his mind if he heard you say that.” He chuckles.

“You mowing the lawns? Picking up groceries. Helping make dinner?”

“Fuck, yeah. You know I am. Just yesterday I had to crawl under the house to fix a pipe that was acting up.”

“Exactly. If I were there, I’d be halving that load. Sending a little extra money is me halving that load. True?”

He makes a sound as though he were sucking breath through his teeth. “True.”

“Then not another word about it, yeah?”

“Cool. Dad says you’ve got a woman. Sadie, I think he said?”

I smile wide. “I do. Met her on the balcony.’

“How’s that work? Dating a woman you can’t touch?”

I laugh out loud and pound my knuckles on the desk. “It’s tricky for sure. We do a lot of chatting on the balcony, phone calls, video dates. Shit like that.”

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance