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“And the sex? How’s that working for ya?”

“You’d be surprised, bro. Visuals and voice calls go a long way towards wettin’ the whistle, if you know what I mean.”

“Okay, okay, I get ya. Happy for you, dude. Cool as hell you finding something good to hold onto during all this shit with the world and your career.”

“Which brings me back to my call. I want to get Dad out of that cannery and you out of working for someone else.”

“Whatcha thinking?”

“Buying the bar you work for. Or creating a new one from scratch. Having you and Dad own it and work it together.”

“And what would your role be?”

“Silent partner. I need an investment and you and Dad need something of your own. Win-win for the Sparks family.”

“No shit, Ev? You want to buy us a bar?” I can hear my brother’s volume ramp up which means he’s getting excited.

“Yeah, man. You and Dad need to work for yourselves and I don’t trust anyone else with my investments but family. What do you think?”

“I think you’re handing me a fucking bar!”

I snicker. “Yeah, I guess I am. Though you have to do all the work. I’m just the investor. First thing—do some research. See if the bar owner is willing to sell. If not, look for another building. Find out rates and so on. Then when you’ve got something going, let me know.”

“And Dad? How we gonna get him to quit a lifelong career in the factory?”

“Let’s think on that too. The both of us. My hope is if you get it all set up, I put in the cash, then we tell him we need him to help run it. He’d love nothing more than serving drinks and shooting the shit with his buddies who would no doubt come in to drink where he serves. And it gets him working less hours. Doing something he enjoys for once. Let’s just think on it. You do your research and we’ll circle back around. Sound good?”

“Fuck, yeah. Sounds amazing. I’m all over this, bro. Appreciate your belief in me.”

“Always. Now get to work. I want you to report back in a week and tell me what you find out.”

“On it. And thanks, Ev. You’re the best brother a guy could have. You will make it through this with the truth as your defense.”

“That’s the plan. Love you, bro.”

“Right back attcha. Bye.”

Pride fills my chest as I sit back and balance on two legs of the chair. My brother will go full speed on this, that’s a given. Dad will be a bit harder sell, but eventually he’ll see reason. He always does. I can’t wait to tell Sadie my plan. Hell, I can’t wait to hear her voice again, even though I promised her I’d wait until tomorrow so she could get some work done.

Turning back around, I face the computer and click on the cheerleaders’ Facebook page to start my search for a blonde named Mindy.CHAPTER 11


EVANI FLOP BACK AGAINST THE couch and sigh. Sadie’s gorgeous face is a mirror image of mine on the laptop screen. She has a content, whimsical smile that I wish more than anything I could kiss right now. Especially after sharing yet another round of stellar video sex.

Aside from the spunk on my abdomen, I could easily just sit back and snooze. Something I never do. Naps are a luxury I’ve never been afforded. Though this quarantine is teaching me to appreciate so many things I took for granted before. Like being able to go for a run. Lifting weights with my brethren. Seeing a movie. Going to the grocery store. And the most important, being able to hold and comfort the woman I’m obsessed with.

Sadie smiles, sits up from her spot on her couch, and puts her ribbed tank back on. After she taught me more yoga on the balcony, we agreed on a movie. The second we got settled, I told her to take her top off. She didn’t so much as hesitate. We went at it fast and furious. She didn’t even take her pants off, just slipped her hand beneath the waistband. One hand on her lush tit, the other between her thighs. It was beautiful.

“Ready to binge watch the Twilight saga?” She lifts a bottle of water to her mouth and takes a long drink.

I glance down at the mess I’ve made. “Babe, I’m gonna need a quick shower.”

She grins. “That concept has possibilities. You could take the laptop with you; I could watch the Evan Skin-a-Max channel for my viewing pleasure.”

I shake my head. “I’ve created a sex monster.”

She shrugs. “Nah, I’ve always had a huge libido. I write erotic romance for a living. I like sex. Sex is good. Sex with you is awesome. Why not have it regularly?”

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance