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She stepped out of the shower and swiftly wrapped a towel around her hair. There would be no time to blow it dry, but somehow she didn’t think Jamie would care. She swiped the condensation from the mirror with the palm of her hand, and quickly brushed her teeth, checking the time on her watch. Twelve minutes had passed since she’d entered the house, which left her just three minutes to get dressed and get over to Jamie’s house.

Pulling open the bedroom door, she stopped in her tracks. Jamie stood leaning on his crutches by the bed, idly fingering the lacy bra she had left there. He angled his head to look at her, and the heat simmering in his eyes was so potent that Rachel felt the moisture on her skin evaporate.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, stepping closer. “I still have three minutes.”

“I couldn’t wait.”

Dropping the bra, he turned toward her. He’d changed his shirt, and Rachel saw his short hair was damp.

“You took a shower,” she said, and closed the distance between them. Reaching out, she swiped a single bead of water from his neck with her fingertip. He smelled good, like spicy soap and shampoo. “Why do I have the feeling that we won’t be having any dinner?”

Jamie searched her eyes, and a smile tugged at his mouth. “Maybe I can wait. Let me cook you something.”

“Later,” she breathed. “Right now, you’re the only thing I’m hungry for.” Leaning up, she kissed him. He made a low sound of approval in his throat, and Rachel could taste his need, his urgency. Yet when one hand came up to frame her jaw, his fingers were gentle.

Dragging her mouth from his, she slowly let her towel drop to the floor. Jamie’s eyes darkened with desire as he looked at her, and Rachel felt her body respond. Her nipples tightened, and her inner muscles clenched. He let his hands trail down to cover her breasts, his thumbs skimming over the small, tight buds. Rachel drew in a sharp breath.

“I love your body,” he said, almost reverently. His breathing had quickened. “You’re so beautiful, so warm and soft. So feminine.”

Rachel smiled. “You’re making me blush.”

Jamie looked bemused. “Why? You must know how gorgeous you are.”

“Let’s just say I haven’t heard that in a very long time. At least,” she amended, covering his hands with her own, “not until I met you.”

Moving to sit on the edge of the bed, Rachel drew him forward to stand between her knees. Looking up at him, she smiled at his taut expression and reached for the waistband of his shorts. He was already hard beneath the cotton fabric, and when she curled her hand around his length, he let out a hissing sound of pleasure.

“Are you doing okay?” she asked.

“Oh, yeah,” he said hoarsely.

Pushing the shorts down, Rachel leaned forward and took him in her mouth. Jamie groaned loudly and put a hand on her head, sifting his fingers through her damp hair.

“Damn, that feels good,” he said, his voice rough. “But if you keep going like that, I’m not going to last.”

Rachel released him and climbed onto the bed on her knees, pulling him forward until he set his crutches aside and eased himself onto the mattress, shucking his T-shirt, and kicking his sandals off. Rachel tugged his shorts off, loving how he watched her through half-closed eyes, his breathing a little ragged, as if she was the sexiest woman alive. With Jamie, she could almost believe she was.

“I want you inside me,” she breathed, and crawled over his body, kissing her way along the length of his muscular legs, lingering briefly over his straining erection, before continuing a moist path across his stomach and over his heaving chest, until she finally captured his mouth in hers.

Jamie caught her face in his hands and kissed her deeply, licking inside her mouth and feasting on her lips like a starving man. When she reached between their bodies to take him in her hand, he made a rough sound of need. Then she was sliding over him, loving how he stretched and filled her. He slid his hands over her back until he cupped her rear end, squeezing and massaging her flesh before he began to move, thrusting deeply as she rocked against him.

Breaking the kiss, Rachel watched his face as she rode him, watched as pleasure caused his features to grow taut and his muscles to coil tightly. She knew he was close, could feel how he tried to hold back. When he looked into her eyes, the intensity of the emotions she saw reflected there nearly undid her.

“I don’t want to come without you,” he muttered, and shifted beneath her, angling his hips so that he maximized contact with the most sensitive part of her.

Tags: Karen Foley Billionaire Romance