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“Yes, I believe so. But I don’t know the details, he won’t tell me and you won’t say anything. And the boys are always locked tight, so no use asking them. What happened, Ariel?”

“I couldn’t trust him anymore,” I say the simple answer.

“Well, I won’t tell him you’re back. You can when and if you’re ready.”

“Thanks, Tracey.”

“Love you.”

We hang up when I pull into my driveway.

I know now, it’s time to go back.To say my mother was excited was an understatement. She loves me but she’s a woman who craves silence. So, when she packed me off into my car, she kissed me goodbye and told me to come back anytime I felt like it, but I knew she meant the opposite.

Chad smiles at me as I stand at the door holding two suitcases full of all my things.

“I knew you had fallen in love with me, and couldn’t not come back for me. It’s destiny.” He reaches for me and picks me up, spinning me around like a toy and making me drop my suitcases.

“I missed your kisses,” I tell him, kissing his cheek. He blushes. I wish he was straight, he’d make the perfect boyfriend. Plus, he loves me, and I know he won’t hurt me.

“I left your room as it is. You’re welcome.” He bows opening the door wider, and picking up a suitcase.

“What would I do without you?”

His hand touches his forehead as he fakes to act hurt. “You would die,” he says chuckling hitting my ass as we walk in. “Just want to clear this up, too, he came here after you left. He looked like shit.”

I close my eyes. “I don’t want to talk about him, Chad.” He holds his hands up in surrender after he places my suitcase in my room.

“I won’t, just wanted to tell you, so it’s out of the way.”

“Thank you.” He nods and kisses me one more time before he exits, shutting the door. I changed my number when I left, and only a few people have it. So, when I get a text message, I know it’s from Tracey as Chad is here with me. I smile as she tells me what to wear tomorrow, and she can’t wait for our first day together.

Maybe it won’t be so bad after all? I avoided seeing him before, it should be easier this time now I know where he lives and where he frequents. Well, hopefully.27Falcon“This has gone on long enough.”

Hands bang on my door.

Fuck them! Fuck everyone!

“Falcon, if you don’t open the door now we will kick the fucking thing in,” Echo threatens on the other side.

I roll my eyes at his words. Fuck him.

“Creed, ready?”

Fuck! I get up and open the damn door. Both come running in, shoulders first and land on the floor. Hard. I laugh and kick them both before they can get up.

“What the fuck,” Creed swears upon getting up. There’s a look of anger on his face until he checks around my apartment.

Yep, looks like shit.

“Fuck, Falcon. You really let this place go,” Echo says shaking his head. I don’t look around, I try not to. If I do, it annoys me, and I will want to make sure everything is in its rightful spot. So I don’t, I go straight back to my position on the couch and resume watching television.

“All this over a girl?” Creed asks.

I shoot daggers from my eyes at him. “Like you can talk, you bitch. If El got up and walked away from you right now, you would follow like a dog. And no, it’s not about a girl.”

He would, I’ve seen firsthand how crazy he is about El. He would die for her, that I have no doubt.

“Bullshit,” Echo coughs into his hands.

My eyes slice to him.

“Then tell me… why have you become a slob?” Echo picks up clothes that are on the coffee table and throws them to the floor. I take another big drink of whiskey to stop myself from cleaning. I hate messiness, yet here I am in a fucking mess.

“Come back to work, now, you’ve made your point,” Creed says standing, not sitting.

I ignore them.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake. She’s back, you know?”

My eyes snap to him. My hand squeezes the glass, it feels like it will shatter at any moment in my hand. “Don’t care.” It’s a lie, I know it is and they know it is.

“Who knew you’d fall in love. We didn’t think this day would come,” Echo says watching me, waiting for a reaction.

“I don’t love her.”


I throw my glass at his head and just miss. “Get the fuck out.”

They both move to the door.

“Darby’s angry, but he doesn’t want your spot in the business. Come back to work, Falcon,” Echo says as they walk out.

She’s back!

I call her cell straight away.

Tags: T.L. Smith Crimson Elite Erotic