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“I don’t know, Tracey, I don’t know if I’m ready to come back.”

“You don’t have to see him, I won’t even tell him. He hardly leaves his house anymore anyway.”

I’m shocked by her words—Falcon’s a social butterfly. He craves other people’s attention.

“What about his work?”

She looks to the floor, and it takes her a while before she looks back up to me. She shrugs and I don’t push it any more.

“Call me after, okay? See how you like this interview and call me if you want it. I spoke to Chad, he said your room is still there if you want to come back…” She pauses. “I miss you and I need my best friend. I want you to be the godmother to our child.”

My mouth opens but somehow I manage to close it. “I’m not sure you want me taking that responsibility.”

Tracey shrugs. “We do, trust me. I don’t have faith in anyone more than I do you.” She walks me out and tells me all about the ultrasound they had last week, and how excited they are.

She doesn’t bring up her brother again, for which I am thankful.My hands tremble as I stand walking into the office behind a woman—job interviews are the worst. And even though I know most of the people here—I grew up around this area. I worked for a successful paper and now this one is small in comparison. I want to go back, I miss everyone incredibly but what else can I do.

“Your resume is impressive, Ariel, but I’m afraid the positon we have may not be what you are looking for. It’s only a few hours a week to write small articles…” She pauses then looks up to me. “I mean I would hire you on the spot if you want the position, having you on our team would be an asset. But I feel also it may be a stepping down for you and hold you back from anything that might be available. And unfortunately, I don’t have any positions available that have more hours.”

I take in her words, she’s right. It’s me stepping down and running from things I shouldn’t be running from. I’ll miss Chad, Tracey, and so much more of my life that I created in the city.

“I think you may be right. I’m sorry to have wasted your time.” I stand and she walks over to shake my hand.

“If I have a better position come available, should I call you?” she asks hopeful.

I should tell her yes, but my insides tighten and I know the answer before it leaves my mouth. “No. I think my place is back in the city. Sorry for wasting your time.”

“Don’t even worry about it. It was a pleasure to meet you. I hope to see great things from you in the future.” I smile at her kind words and walk out knowing what I need to do. As I walk out I hear my name being called.

“Ariel, is that you, sweetheart?” Tracey and Falcon’s mother walks up to me, engulfing me in a hug so tight I want to cry. She’s one of those huggers where everything wants to drop away from you by just her touch. She pulls back, looks at me and wipes my hair from my face. “I like it, it suits you,” she says referring to my new hair. It’s always been long, I never cut it growing up.

“Thank you.”

“You must come around one day soon for dinner, I’m sure the kids would love it. I haven’t seen you in ages.” I smile and try to hide the fact that I flinched, but she notices anyway. “Tracey stopped by, said she saw you, and that you were looking good. I haven’t seen that son of mine in over a month. Actually, come to think of it, no one has. He’s resorted to not talking to anyone and quitting his work, so I’ve been told by Echo.” She shakes her head, not impressed. “If you go back to the city you’ll go and visit him, won’t you? He always smiled big whenever you were around. He could never take his eyes off of you.”

“I can’t. Sorry.” I wave goodbye and get into my car driving straight back to my house. Her words shocked me.

He wouldn’t have quit.

No way.

And even if he did, it wouldn’t have anything to do with me. Could it? No, it can’t.

“How did the interview go?” Tracey asks as I call her when I finished my interview.

“Bad, it doesn’t pay enough. And it’s not enough hours to survive.”

“So, you’ll come back and take my offer?”

I sigh. “Yes.”

I hear her scream. “I’m so excited. It’s going to be amazing working together.”

“Tracey,” I say after a moment of silence. “Did he quit his job?”


“Was it to do with me?” I hear her breathing so know she hasn’t hung up on me, so I wait for her to answer.

Tags: T.L. Smith Crimson Elite Erotic