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“But Ariel, haven’t you missed me?”

She pulls a packet of smokes from between her breasts and lights one, then proceeds to blow the smoke my way. She knows I fucking hate smoking, so she’s doing it on purpose so I go away.

“You ruined my night! I was working and you ruined it.”

Taking the cigarette from her lips, I throw it on the ground and crush it with my foot as I lean against the wall with her. “You wanted to do a story?” I don’t have to look at her to know she’s rolling her eyes.

A black car pulls up, the window is wound down, and a man I don’t recognize sits in the driver seat.

Ariel pushes off the wall, walks to the car, and before she gets in she turns back to me. “You’re still an asshole, Falcon.” She smiles as she gets in, her legs tanned to perfection.

“And you still want me,” I call out.

She shakes her head and leans over to kiss the man sitting next to her. When she looks back to me her lipstick is smudged and she’s smiling.

“Why would I want an asshole and a manwhore when I can have someone who isn’t those things?” She pulls her belt around her and snaps it closed.

I lean down so I can see her face clearly. “Because you know I will be the best fuck of your life.”

She laughs as the car drives off. I shake my head and stand up.

That fucking woman.

I hate her.

But I want to fuck her.

But I hate her.

Especially her smart-ass mouth.

Which should be wrapped around my cock.

Fuck!2Ariel ‘Raven’If I could blow up someone in this world it would be Falcon, without a doubt. That man needs to be taken down a few notches. I’ve never met someone who’s such an ass in all my life. He gives manwhore a whole new definition.

“So… you’re going to tell me why you just kissed me, right?”

I laugh at Chad who continues to drive. “You enjoyed it.” I wink at him.

“I would have preferred being kissed by that fine piece of ass at the door, but hey, you kiss all right.”

“Trust me, you don’t want anything he has to offer.”

He raises his eyebrows as we arrive at our condo. “Oh, is that Tracey’s infamous brother?”

“It was.”

Tracey has been my friend since seventh grade. I crushed on Falcon all throughout my teen years. Fuck, I probably still crush on him now, how could I not with the way he looks. But I also think he’s an egotistical ass. Someone who only thinks of themselves and their cock. And everyone that knows Falcon understands he only knows how to think with his cock. It’s been four years since I’ve seen him. I’ve done a good job at avoiding him for this long and now he’s back. Right when I was going to get the story of a lifetime—maybe one that could have landed me on the front page of the newspaper instead of somewhere near the back—he had to ruin it. I wonder if he knew Tom? Why was he in that club at that exact time. Tracey told me he mingles with the highest of the high celebrities, and he mixes with the best of them. If I hadn’t seen him I may have stayed and tried again, but no. He made me angry and I had to leave.

Just my luck.

Chad unlocks the front door and we step in. Chad has the master bedroom, while I have the spare. He’s way more diva than me, and I don’t need as much room as him. Plus, I don’t have as many guests over as he does.

“Let me get this straight, he’s the one that you crushed on all your life?”

I roll my eyes at him. “No, just when I was a teenager.”

He waves me off. “Semantics.”

Pulling water from the fridge, he throws one to me.

“I knew I shouldn’t have told you stuff when I was drinking,” I grumble at him.

“Black beauty, you tell everyone anything and everything when you’re drinking. Don’t think I’m special.”

He’s right, I need to stop drinking.

Fuck it! I like it too much.

“So, tell me, why did you never… you know… fuck him, if he was such a slut?”

“I tried, once.”

He leans over the counter, his hands cupping his chin, eyes shining bright with excitement. “Tell me more.”

I wave him off, but he doesn’t move. “Fine! I was drunk and I may have thrown up on his shoes, then passed out. I woke up in my bed fully clothed with him sleeping on the floor.”

He laughs, doubled over holding his belly.

“I don’t find that funny.”

“How old were you?”

“Seventeen, almost eighteen.”

“And you haven’t seen him since?”

I shake my head. He’s older than me, and avoiding him hasn’t been hard. I’ve been busy, and if I see Tracey we usually do lunch or drinks. Both of which don’t include her brother. I never told her about that night or the fact that I liked him to begin with.

Tags: T.L. Smith Crimson Elite Erotic