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I don’t judge, to each their own. I’ve seen all kinds of fetishes in my job. Some even give me ideas to try myself. I don’t just fuck a woman, I seduce her with my lips, lust for her with my hips, and take her with my cock. I’ve never had a woman complain, never had a woman who’s said no. Once they taste me, they’re ruined. I smile at the thought as my cock starts to harden.

Fuck! I need to get laid.

“No, here’s fine.”

He sits back and tries to stop his knee from bouncing. I look around the club and smile.

“Tell me, if you could pick any woman in here to take home tonight, who would you pick?”

His lips form a thin line as he stares at me. “Is this a joke?”

I shake my head, waiting for him to answer. He looks away, glancing back at me once before he looks again. His eyes flirt with the room before they stop and land on one woman. He looks back at me with a smile on his face. I follow his line of sight and see a girl with raven black hair cascading down her back, straight as a ruler, with a black dress so short I want to see what’s underneath it.

“Her… I want her.”

I now know his taste.

“Collect the woman, then brush her off once you meet her. Do not direct attention to me whatsoever,” I say to both him as well as his bodyguard.

He sits back and one of his men walks over to the woman. I turn to look back at him, but now he isn’t watching me, he’s watching the woman.


His bodyguard’s voice comes from behind me, and by the way he stands up from his seat, I know she’s also here. He moves his feet from side to side, slides one hand in his pockets, and offers the woman his hand. I don’t look at her. I need to see the way he interacts, how he treats a woman. Violence is acceptable, but only if she consents to his hard limits at my club. We only have two women who cater to hard limits, so I need to make sure his fetishes are what happens to him not the other party.

He says something to her, and I don’t hear a word as I put my drink to my mouth, watching his actions. You can tell a lot by the way someone moves. Are their fists closed? Are his hands open? The look on his face, is it curiosity or intrigue? Studying people is something I’m good at. I don’t need someone to speak for me to know them, I merely need to watch them.

His eyes flash to me when the raven black-haired beauty stands in front of me. She can’t see me, I’m blocked by bodies obstructing her view. His hands touch her hip and she straightens in her stance. I finish my drink and stand. He steps to the side, forgetting the black-haired beauty already as he looks at me with eager eyes.

“You’ll be in contact, right?” He then looks to her. “You can leave now.” Her back straightens and she doesn’t look my way as she steps off. I smile watching her retreating form.

I tap his shoulder, and he tenses under my fingers. “You’ll see.”

As I turn to walk off, the girl with the black hair captures my interest. I wonder what she would be like if I took her. Even though I’m here to work a little fun never hurt anyone. I walk to her at the bar, her legs are crossed as she stands tapping her hand on the counter waiting for a drink. I pat her shoulder and she spins around. “You…” she spits.

I smile, she doesn’t. She crosses her arms over her chest, pushing her perfect breasts up on full display. She clicks her fingers in front of my face to get my attention off her breasts, before she rolls her eyes. She then walks off, leaving me smiling, standing where I am.

“You know her?” Tom the guy I just saw suddenly appears by my side. I tense knowing he witnessed the fact that I went after something he wanted. But do I care? No.

I look at the famous actor who wants what I have—to get him into my club. “Don’t go after her again. And don’t discuss with her who I am to you. I’m just a bystander nothing more.”

He nods his head, not even contemplating arguing with me. Turning, I see her hair through the crowd of people—she’s making her way to the door. People make way for me as I go after her, and as soon as I step outside the door I see her. She’s on her cell, leaning against the wall her heel up as she types fast. “Fuck off, Falcon.”

Tags: T.L. Smith Crimson Elite Erotic