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“Fuck!” I start telling people to leave and they do. Soon it’s just us four and the two girls left. Ariel’s now standing, her eyes closed and dancing in circles, I’m amazed she hasn’t fallen over yet. Reaching for her, I lift her down, her eyes open and I carry her upstairs as Darby throws a blanket over Tracey. When we get to the room, Ariel starts to undress, so much so that all she’s left in is a lacy bra with matching panties.

“You think I’m beautiful, right?”

I nod my head and steady her as she almost falls over. “Would you sleep with me?” Her hands touch her bare stomach, and even intoxicated and slurring I still think she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. No one compares to her.

“Go to bed.” I lean over her and she reaches for me, her hands are wobbly but they manage to wrap around my shoulders as she tries to kiss me. She lands her lips on mine and it takes everything in me to pull back and tell her no.

“We can’t.”

“We can,” she whispers, rubbing herself on me.

I feel dirty. I just had someone else sucking my cock and now she’s trying to touch it. I pull back fast and shake my head.

“Don’t do that again. Goodnight, Raven.”

She leans over and proceeds to throw everything up she drank tonight on my very expensive shoes. She wipes her mouth, and I see a tear fall free as she collapses on her bed.

Heading downstairs the boys have already started cleaning the mess, and we continue to do so until the early hours of the morning. And when I go back to check on her, I wipe her face, which is still covered in vomit, then clean it up and pass out on her floor.* * *Now* * *“She’s angry about that night, you know?”

I shake my head free from those memories all those many nights ago. I turn around to face Tracey.

“I was a gentleman.”

She nods. “I know that, now. But her thoughts on that night are clouded. Maybe you should talk to her about it? It’s the only reason she doesn’t want to be around you.”

“I cleaned up her house, and even cleaned her vomit, she has no reason to hate me,” I say shaking my head.

“What about how you fucked Holly in the closet? She heard about that the next day.”

“I didn’t fuck her, her mouth fucked me. There’s a difference.”

She waves her hand at me. “It doesn’t matter. Who’s she going to see, anyway?”

“The guy who’s giving her the story, she’s going to his house.”

Tracey’s mouth opens then shuts again. “Is she dating him? She never mentioned that to me.”

“No, she’s not. She’s using him.”

Tracey smiles. “That sounds better, you had me worried she’d fallen down the wrong rabbit hole.” Tracey walks inside and leaves me standing on her front porch.

My cell rings as I start the walk to my car.

“Your girl is at his house now, you don’t really have this situation handled, do you?”

“I do,” I reply hanging up.

I bring up the emails and send her another one, and when she doesn’t reply I throw my cell to the floor of my car and speed off. What the fuck is she doing? She’s making this more difficult than it has to be. It’s hard as fuck, and it’s a position I never wanted to be in. Why did she have to pick this story? And why the fuck is she even a reporter? I sure as shit know how to pick them, that’s for sure.

And I didn’t even pick her, she just happens to be it. The girl who’s always been there but never really touchable, and now she is. I’ve touched her several times, and I plan to touch her more and more often. Because those lips, I could go days, fuck, even weeks kissing those lips, not to mention worshipping that body.

I adjust my cock as I try to work out what the fuck I plan to do.

Do I let Darby handle it? Or do I just tell her to let sleeping dogs lie? And would she even listen to me if I asked her?

More than likely not.

Fuck.14Ariel ‘Raven’Tom makes my skin crawl, and that’s an understatement. The last place I want to be is here. But tonight, I have to be here to find out more about the mysterious guy, who could possibly give my story even more life, if I can put a face to that mystery.

“It’s a beautiful home,” I say, looking around.

Tom nods his head. “My decorator picked everything out. I guess it’s okay, if you like this kind of thing.”

I have no idea what he means by that, it’s a house. One that obviously cost a lot of money. He walks past, putting a martini glass in front of me, which I don’t intend to drink. He had a driver pick me up even though I tried to refuse, so my only way home now is him, which I’m not all too happy about either.

Tags: T.L. Smith Crimson Elite Erotic