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“Well, it’s beautiful.”

“So are you.”

I smile at his words. Coming from a man as powerful as him, even if I don’t like him saying I am beautiful, it’s a true compliment considering he works with the sexiest women alive.

“Is that a blush I see, Ariel?”

I reach for the bottle of water I brought with me instead of the martini.

He watches with cautious eyes. “You don’t like my drink?”

“I think I’m getting sick, so water it is.” Lies, but how can I say that I don’t want to be here, let alone drink his drinks. That won’t get me far. “I can’t afford to get sick.”

He stands, backing away as if I have the plague.

“What about a few of those answers you promised me? Can you answer them now?”

He shakes his head. “How about I email them to you? I’m sorry but I can’t get sick right now either.”

I groan out loud as he walks away leaving me sitting in his sitting room all alone. I walk to the front door, but no one is there to take me home, so I start walking to the front of the driveway calling Chad, who doesn’t answer. Then Tracey, who also doesn’t answer. I don’t even know Tom’s address to call a cab, and my Google maps isn’t working, just my luck. As I try searching for his address, my cell rings and Falcon’s name flashes on the screen.

“How’s your date?” are his first words.


“So early…” He pauses. “Where are you?”

I look around and see nothing but trees. “I’m lost, I see trees.”

“Where’s your car?”

I bite my lip. “At my house.”

He curses under his breath. “Who was your date?”

“Tom,” I say, knowing he’ll know who it is.

“I’ll be right there. Don’t move.” He hangs up on me and within five minutes Falcon pulls up in his car, winds the window down, and leans over so he can see me clearly. “Need a ride, hot stuff?”

I shake my head and climb into his car. “Thank you.”

“So, why are you out the front of Tom’s house?”

“I said I was getting sick.”

Falcon laughs loud. “Tom’s a health nut, he doesn’t do sick people. Won’t even go into a hospital.”

I turn to look at him. “You know him well, then?”

He shrugs. “You could say that. So, why were you really there? Because I know Tom the health nut isn’t your usual style.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “So, you know my style?”

“In men. Yes. Me.”

“You really are full of yourself, aren’t you?” I reply shaking my head. He keeps driving and passes the turnoff to my house. “Where are we going?”

“Well, I’m guessing he didn’t feed you, because he would have brought you there to fuck you. Which I might add, you ruined, so I’m going to feed you.”

“I don’t want to be fed.”

Falcon doesn’t reply, just keeps driving. He stops when he gets to a set of apartments and walks around to let me out. They’re nice, too nice actually. I could see myself living in a place like this once I start making a decent amount of money. Until then I will continue to share a place with Chad, which I might add that I love.

Falcon is on the first floor, and when he opens the door, he walks past me and heads straight for the huge kitchen. He pulls things out from the fridge and starts cooking. I watch in fascination and remember he always used to cook growing up with his mother in the kitchen.

“You still cook.” I smile, remembering the way he used to smell when he would make cookies every Friday with his mother. Best cookies in the world.

He turns after placing some garlic in the pan and nods his head. “Of course I do, I love to cook.”

“I remember.”

Falcon looks at me and pours us each a glass of wine, handing it to me before he turns around and continues. He starts to hum a song, and I sit there in silence as I listen to him. He makes no move to start a conversation either.

Falcon rolls the sleeves up of his button-up shirt, and I see his muscles flex as he moves. He has a way about him that most men dream of having. A presence that demands attention even if you hate him, which I might add I slightly do. Well, I try to.

His ass, though, which, truth be told is what I’ve been watching this whole time, is perfect. Perfectly round with buns of steel. I could bounce a nickel off that ass and it would come straight back to me.

“Your eyes are fucking me,” he says but hasn’t turned. I look away shyly, knowing full well I just got caught checking him out. It’s going to make his ego even bigger than the world-like size it already is. “Dinner, my lady.” He places two plates in front of me. I smile at it. He cooked me pad Thai, but not just any pad Thai, his mother’s recipe that I loved to eat. Refusing to eat now is out of the question. How can I say no to such wonderful food? I honestly can’t.

Tags: T.L. Smith Crimson Elite Erotic