The Billionaire and the Babe

What’s the worst thing that can happen to an independent career woman?

A billionaire with a killer smile.

Nobody would ever call me a pushover.
But then, you can’t be shy and timid in the cutthroat business of fashion publishing.
So why is it that one little fling sent my whole world spinning?

I can smell my lousy ex-husband’s fingerprints all over this!
I was just having some fun, and now he’s raking me over the coals in the news…
If only I could figure out how he did it and get back at him.
Instead, here I am, swinging my purse at the paparazzi,
Making a scene right in the middle of Tribeca.
All of it right in front of said billionaire who I’m falling in love with after our ill-timed fling.

Roger Zane.

He’s not the type to bat an eye over a bit of drama
(Lord knows he’s seen plenty of his own), But this?
Is it gonna drive him off?
I hope not.
Because every billionaire needs his babe.

And I'm just the gal for the job.