Candy Boys (Hot Candy 1)

Joel and Jethro. Roommates. Total hunks. Inseparable friends. Hot as hell.

Meet my fantasy boyfriends. Aren't they just the sexiest, cutest thing? I know, right? They totally are. They are hot, too hot for a quiet - and obsessed with them - girl working in a bookshop. That'd be me, by the way.

There's also the tiny problem of Joel wanting another girl. And as for Jethro, well...he doesn't do girls. Or maybe he doesn't do relationships. He certainly doesn't do boys, so he isn't doing his best and very male friend...right? Much less his male friend and me at the same time.

So it's fine to crush on them. And write a serial story on my blog in which we are together. All three of us. Whew.

I mean, it's okay. It's perfectly safe. They'll never even know I exist, much less find out about my blog and my secret fantasy about them. Right?

Yeah, that's what I thought, too.
